Clara Update #4: Haunted Doll Drama
Ghostly Activities Club member, Amy, has an update to share about Clara, her haunted doll. And it looks like Amy has had a second haunted doll for nearly 2 years … without knowing it. Get the scoop after the jump.
Amy’s Haunted Doll Update
Amy serves the tea on Clara and a newly realized haunted doll below.
When Amy found out she might have a second haunted doll, she recorded her investigation. Watch the videos for the revelations.
Haunted Doll Investigation
Clara Gets Really Active
Amy and her husband had gone to New Orleans for a week. When they returned, Clara let them know about it.
That first night back, while Amy was falling asleep, she heard tapping and moving from the area near Clara. Amy turned on the light, but didn’t see anything out of place. Actually, she thought Clara had moved.
The next morning, Clara’s haunted doll authenticity tag laid on the floor, like it was kicked off the shelf!
Amy grabbed her pendulum to communicate with Clara. You see, Clara doesn’t really like to use more modern technology to speak to Amy. Clara will clam up when she knows she’s being recorded.
When Amy spoke to her, Clara seemed to be doing fine. Which brought up the question, “Then who moved the tag?”
Haunted Baby Doll Revelations
Back in New Orleans, Amy wandered into a liquor store, and she found a doll much like one she acquired nearly 2 years ago at a thrift store. A composite baby doll. She has a doll just like it in a computer room back home. And no one goes in that room, not even the pet cat.
When Amy got home, she got out the pendulum to have a conversation with Clara. It turns out, Clara doesn’t care for the computer room, but she never said why.
Until now.
Amy asked Clara about the baby doll in the computer room, and Clara responded she didn’t like to be in the room with the creepy baby doll.
Amy then took the baby doll into the bedroom and used the an app to see if she’d get responses, which she did. You can watch that investigation in the videos above.
Using Old-Fashioned Ghostly Communication To Gather Clues
At this point, Amy got the pendulum and started asking the baby doll questions. This is what she found out:
- The spirit attached to the doll is a girl
- She’s 9-years old
- She may have died in 1935
- She wanted a piece of hard candy (strawberry with that weird cream stuff in the middle)
An Unnerving Presence
The baby doll is known to freak people out. Amy’s friend, Roger, won’t sleep in the room when he stays over. Amy has to take it out. Also, visitors just get creeped out by the baby doll. Its yellow eyes seem to pierce right through anyone catching her looking at them!
Amy wanted to learn more, so she contacted a friend of hers who’s a medium, Mictlán. She sent a picture of the baby doll to him. Mictlán said that there’s definitely a spirit attached to it. He could ‘hear’ a child-like voice, and it seemed to be mischievous. Baby doll may like to play pranks on people (maybe moving tags of other haunted dolls?!).
But, he said, she was harmless. Nothing to worry about.
What’s Next For Clara and Baby Doll
It seems that Clara doesn’t mind the other doll, but Clara has the spirit of a 14-year-old girl attached to her. And that teen spirit doesn’t really want to hang out with a 9-year-old girl spirit in the next room.
Amy’s also keeping the second doll a secret from her husband. He wasn’t exactly thrilled when she brought home Clara. More haunted dolls means more shenanigans in the house. So let’s just keep this between us!
On Friday, January 3rd, Amy will visit Mictlán with Clara to see if he can communicate with her.
After that, Amy will give me the scoop for Clara Update #5.
Have you had an experience with a haunted doll? If so, let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading Ghostly Activities. Much appreciated. Take care!
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