Supernatural Dream Meanings | Ghosts & Monsters In Dreams
Everybody dreams and, sometimes, we see scary stuff in them. I don’t personally dream of ghosts, even though I spend a lot of time with them. So, what does it mean when we dream of ghosts, monsters and the supernatural?
Nightmares As Ghostly Communication
Sometimes, ghosts and spirits use dreams to communicate with the living. It’s not meant to scare people, but ghosts have to speak to us in different ways. They need a lot of energy to talk to us. It can be easier to use your subconscious to get a message through.
And that means it can make for scary dreams.
In general, you don’t have anything to fear. I have marked truly paranormal and potentially dangerous dream meanings in red.
Don’t worry – it’s not paranormal. It means you have a confrontation to make with someone in your personal or business life.
Ants (and other crawling insects)
In general, it means you have a lot of little problems that you need to resolve.
Okay, it’s not a ghost, but a ghostly setting. If you find yourself in an attic in your dreams, it means you have a ‘ghost’ from your past to figure out and release.
An axe means you have to separate from someone or something in your life. If it’s bloody, then the separation will be abrupt and messy.
Another ghostly setting. Basements mean you have a deep secret or you feel guilty about a past action. The basement represents suppressing the guilt.
It’s a bad omen, but it’s not paranormal. This animal means you will have–or have had–a death in your family or a romantic breakup.
A bear means you need to change course in your personal life or business life. Otherwise, you could get ambushed by a personal or work problem.
It’s just pure-and-simple anxiety.
A high-flying bird is a good omen. An attacking bird means you fear judgment. An attacking flock of birds means someone wants to get revenge on you.
Bones (also Skull)
It doesn’t mean death. This means you feel vulnerable.
We usually don’t like to think about blood: We need it but it’s also kinda gross. Blood has a few different meanings, all about your emotional state:
- If it’s your own, you have an unbalanced emotional attachment. It’s not healthy and it seems like it’s draining you. This could mean an entity has attached to you. You may want to look into some protection techniques, or you may want to sever a bad relationship with another person.
- If you see the blood of a living family member, it indicates an emotional problem with that person. It’s not paranormal.
- If you see a dead family member bleeding, they may have a message for you and it’s likely one you don’t want to hear. I’d say ask for a sign from them so you can solve the problem.
- If you drink blood, it’s a sign you need to replenish your energy.
- General gore and bloodied bodies may show trauma from a past life. You may have some karmic issues to work on.
- If you have blood-centered dreams often, it may indicate depression. Seek counseling for it immediately.
The boogeyman could be an actual supernatural entity that wants to enter your home. It’s a shapeshifter, so it can take any form it wants in your dreams. If you dream about anything that desperately wants to enter your home, make sure you keep your dream house doors and windows shut. If you let it in, it will inhabit your house in life. Look into some protection methods to contain it and clear it.
A bridge has a few different meanings. In general, bridges represent new opportunities. If you see a burning bridge behind you, it means you run from the past. If it’s in front of you, it means you don’t want to face consequences for a past action.
A burial means you need to escape from a current situation that’s burying you alive.
This one can have a paranormal aspect, psychic vampires. If you dream someone’s eating your flesh, it could be a psychic vampire draining your essence for food. Try some protective techniques.
Car Accident
It means you’ve lost control of your life. Your emotions or mental health have become damaged.
Someone is trying to get their ‘claws’ into you. It’s not paranormal.
In general, it means you have repressed sexual urges. Some of them may be unsavory, and you need to work them out. Play safe!
Another common ghost setting. Cemeteries symbolize great sadness and death. Usually, it means you have a deep buried secret that’s going to impact your life in some form. This means you need to come to terms with your secret, no matter how much it hurts. This is worse than having a basement in your dream.
You have a larger problem, but you only focus on one part of it. Try to see how all your problems (each link) relates to the larger problem (the full chain).
You have a problem with repressed anger and it’s about to become public. Watch yourself!
Chase Dreams
I always thought chase dreams meant I had a paranormal entity coming to get me, but, the truth is much simpler: You’re stressed. This means book a trip to a spa or a vacation. It’s not a ghost.
Closet Monsters
It means a general anxiety or fear about the unknown. It’s not paranormal.
It’s not paranormal, so don’t worry about it. Apparently, it means you have a fear of something most people don’t even notice. If clowns frighten you, you may see the world differently than most other folks. It’s not a good or bad thing. You should find the thing that causes the fear and try to overcome it. This is such a general fear that I’m afraid I can’t be much help. You just have to poke around in your head and experience until you find what it is.
You need to clean up your act. It could be a physical place, like your kitchen, or with your health.
This means you either have a fascination with death, or you’re in a dead-end situation.
You may dream of a virus or poisoned food. If this happens, it means you feel guilty about something.
It means something is draining the life out of you. In most cases, it’s your job. It could also be a paranormal entity or psychic vampire. Look into some protection techniques to stop it.
If you experience a sense of danger in your dream, then you need to be cautious in your waking life. You may have taken too many risks in your daily life and you could have an accident.
Darkness represents a need to get some help. At work, you may have taken on more than you can manage. In your personal life, it may mean you have an unresolved problem with someone close to you.
There are many meanings to death. A fresh start is the most common meaning. In other cases, it’s anxiety or guilt about a relationship.
If you lose your head, it means a disconnect with your mental talents; or, you regret not fulfilling your educational goals.
Usually, demons represent your desires and impulses, not a literal demon. It could mean aggression or your libido. Check to see if you’ve given into these impulses: It could be your brain telling you to get control of yourself.
This represents strong fear and/or anxiety in your personal life. Dismemberment dreams have been linked to divorce or separation. If you see someone else dismembered, it means you have a lot of rage associated with the person.
Dog Attack
If you dream of a pack of dogs attacking you, there’s a bully in your life who wants to get you. You can try to appease this person to stop an attack. If it’s a single dog, then you feel like you’ve lost control of a part of your life. It would be something you are normally very good at controlling.
Simply put, it’s moving into uncharted territory in a relationship or business venture.
Dragons represent anxiety. You don’t feel in control and something big is going to gobble you up.
Drowning means emotional upheaval. These dreams will stop once you’ve faced a very emotional period in your life.
Dynamite (and Explosives)
You have a lot of anger and it’s about to manifest. This could be a very ugly situation, so find someone you can talk to before you blow up in a rage. It’s not going to end well.
If you dream of a falling elevator, it means your life spins out of control. If you have claustrophobia, it means you feel confined in a relationship or at work.
Emptiness has multiple meanings. If you find yourself in an open field, then it means freedom, unless you live in a big city. Then, it means isolation. If you find yourself in an empty house with a feeling of dread, it means abandonment. If you don’t have abandonment issues, then it means you haven’t found your place in life or career path.
Escape dreams usually mean you run from an unknown threat. It’s simply anxiety, or you’ve put yourself in a dangerous situation.
Simply put, you feel guilty about something you did or you think about. In most cases, it’s brought on by sexual repression.
Excrement (Feces, Dookie, Caca, etc.)
You’ve got some baggage or personal issues you can get rid of. Once you see shit in your dreams, you’re over it. Move on with your life.
Explosion (also Anger, Rage, Aggression, Nuclear Bombs, Violence)
You have repressed rage that about to manifest. Talk to someone or get some help. This isn’t going to be pretty when it gets out.
Eyes (the feeling of being watched)
They’re a reflection of your psyche. If they seem angry, then you are angry. If they’re scared, you are scared or have anxiety issues. If they judge you, you are shy or socially awkward.
Falling has many meanings. First, examine your emotion state before you try to decipher its meaning. In most cases, falling means anxiety. In other cases, it’s literal: You dream of falling off a ladder because it really is old and rickety. The jolt you feel when you hit the ground has sometimes been associated with astral projection.
The feeling of fear in dreams is common. So common that it’s difficult to find the meaning. In general, it means anxiety, but it’s also directly linked to the subject of your dream.
Outer conflicts, which will look like real life, mean you have a problem in your daily or work life, it’s not a psychological issue. Internal fights, which will appear very much like a crazy dream state, have a psychological root. Usually, it’s stress or anxiety.
Oddly enough, fire has nothing to do with anger. Fire means you should proceed with a personal or business problem with caution. It’s a warning you could get into trouble if you don’t watch out for yourself.
Flooding dreams have very simple meanings: You are sloppy with your finances; You’re overwhelmed by emotions; or, You have some sexual urges to work out.
Flying represents your hopes and fears. When you fly, you break free into a new place in your life, but it comes with fear. Since you enter such a new place, you may not know how to proceed. That causes anxiety.
Fog represents the unknown. However, fog is just a thin blanket and you already know what lies ahead. Don’t fear it.
If you dream you get lost in a forest, then you feel overwhelmed by work.
If you dream that you’re at a funeral, then you have issues with death and dying. It also means you’ve reached the end of a relationship or job.
If you dream of rotting trash, then you feel rejected by your friends and family.
A ghost found in your dreams isn’t a real ghost. It’s part of your subconscious. It means you have a longstanding issue you must deal with. If the ghost is a dead relative, it represents a problem you had with person while they were alive. Usually, a ghost is your dark side. Your subconscious overrides your active brain and presents the ghost as a way to work through your problems. So, a ghost is not a ghost haunting your dreams. It’s a problem-solving tool made by your brain.
If you dream of white gloves, then you have a sensitive personal problem and need to use diplomacy to solve it. If it’s boxing gloves, you’ll need to be aggressive to solve it.
If you see your name on a grave, it means you don’t have the resources for a current life event. If you see another person’s name on it, your relationship with that person will end. It doesn’t mean anyone dies.
Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper means a big change is coming. It’s usually the loss of your job, or the loss of a relationship with someone close to you. It doesn’t represent death.
Guilt creates two kinds of recurring dreams. The first type, survivor guilt, happens when there is a sole survivor from a violent event like combat. The second type, sexual guilt, comes from a toxic, intimate relationship like incest. In both cases, the nightmares are vivid and seem to happen in real life. If you have them, you should seek counseling.
There is a third type of guilt-based dream. In them, you meet your shadow self. The shadow self is your dark side. It will stalk you in your dreams until you acknowledge it and incorporate it. If you don’t, then your nightmares will become worse. In rare instances, it creates an alternate personality.
Guns (and Weapons in general)
This one is simple: You either need to get laid (guns), or you feel vulnerable and need protection (weapons in general).
Long hair means wisdom. Unkept hair means confusion. Thinning hair means you fear growing old. Buzz cuts mean discipline and restraint.
If you see a hammer pounding something, it means things are getting into order in your life. If you are getting hit by a hammer, it means you feel stressed by what’s beating you.
They can mean kindness or cruelty. If you are choked, gasping or touching you in intimate places, then you have issues from possible sexual abuse. They can also represent your shadow self.
In general, it means you have guilty feelings in part of your personal life and the guilt is smothering you.
Haunted House
If you have a dream with a haunted house, it represents a violation. Your home is supposed to be safe and, it’s haunted, you have an intruder. Your safe places are no longer safe. This can apply broadly to your personal life, like a cheating spouse; or losing your job. It doesn’t mean a ghost tries to communicate with you.
If you see a (decapitated) head, then you don’t think you have the intellectual abilities to deal with a task.
If you’re afraid, you have a fear of success. Get over it.
Hell symbolizes your own limitations and you feel guilty about it. It’s not paranormal.
If you’re on a runaway horse, then you feel like you lost control of your life. If you have full control, then everything is going well in your life.
Nightmares in a hospital represent poor health. So, you need to acknowledge you have them and go get yourself healthy.
If you are hunting, then you feel like you are in competition with co-workers or suitors for a possible romantic partner. If you are being hunted, it means you have anxiety in your personal life.
If you dream your on an icy plain, then you feel isolated. If you see icebergs, then you have to work on an emotional issue with someone close to you. If the ice melts, then you opened a communication block.
Ice Pick
You have some sexual urges to work out.
Immobility (also Paralysis)
It could be paranormal. If you dream you can’t move or run away from harm, then it could be an attack by an Old Hag. Take precautions. Now, if you can still run but you stand still (like a hamster running in its wheel), then it’s not considered immobility. For it to count, you can’t move any part of your body.
If you dream of a lover cheating on you, then you feel vulnerable in the relationship.
Job (also Career)
If you have a nightmare set at work, you have performance anxiety, or just really, really hate your job.
Judge (Also Judgment, Juries, Trials)
You worry about your relationship with an authority figure. It also means you are very sensitive to others’ opinions. In certain cases, this is a sign of a social disorder like shyness.
In general, it means you need to get laid, but it can also mean you’re about to give in to fear.
If you’re kidnapped, then it means you’ve your sense of safety and security.
A dream about killing something, or being killed, isn’t always bad. If you do the killing, it means you have an anger issue with the person or thing you kill. There’s a lot of meaning in the weapon used and who or what you killed. The place is also important. If you remember the dream well enough, write down all the things you saw. It will help find the real cause. Killing dreams are not paranormal.
In general, knives are associated with gossip or betrayal. If you see someone with a knife, who’s chasing you, then that person is stabbing you in the back in real life.
Knots represent the little bumps in the road we all experience in life. They also mean you don’t see the big picture in your life. Petty annoyances distract you from what’s important. Knots also represent nervousness around a new venture. If you see a noose, then it means your punishing yourself for no good reason.
It just means you have anxiety with authority figures. If you’re a lawyer dreaming of lawyers, then you’re not as prepared for a case as you think. You’re about to get schooled by another attorney.
You need to fix the little things that prevent you from finishing bigger projects.
If light gets swallowed by darkness, then you reached the end of a job or relationship. In general, light vanishing to darkness needs more information to figure out. Make notes of who’s with you, the environment and other things you see in the dream.
Lightning is usually a background element in a dream and has no special meaning. However, if you generate the lightning, or a bolt hits you, it signifies your creative power needs a release.
She’s a demon and mother of succubae, sex-crazed female demons that drink your life force. This means you have someone close to you, who may take too much from you. It’s not a demon.
If a lion stalks you, you’re too submissive in a personal or work relationship.
Locked Out
You feel disconnected from your friends, family or co-workers.
If you become lost in a dream, then it means you’re off your life’s calling or purpose. It could mean a bad career decision or poor selections for romantic partners.
If you dream of black magic, then you have a lot of superstitions and fear the supernatural. In other cases, it means you think someone plays tricks with you in your daily life. Magic can also mean you have a creative resurgence. It’s definitely not paranormal.
If a mask frightens you, then you fear what the mask represents. If you wear the mask, it means you’re hiding from the person you intend to see while wearing it. The mask also represents your shadow self, if the mask is actually your face.
First, you have some sexual issues to work out. Next, if you are the submissive one, then you think you deserve punishment or being treated like shit. If you are dominant, you have power issues. You’re too controlling of others, but fear they’ll turn on you and take your power.
Maze (also Labyrinth)
Maze dreams are good things. Walking through a maze shows you try to integrate the different parts of your personality, even your shadow self.
Mirrors reflect the emotions of the dreamer. If the mirror’s reflection is clear, then you’ve integrated the different parts of your psyche. If you see a distorted picture, you have some inner work to do.
In general, the monsters you create in a dream are scarier than anything on TV or in movies. These monsters are based on your personal fears. They represent unreleased emotions and fears. It’s the ugly part of your personality. There’s nothing paranormal about them.
Either it represents gossip and lies or it means you have a big change coming.
Murder represents suppressed anger towards yourself or other people. If you are murdered, then it means you feel victimized. It can also mean you killed part of your old self so you can grow as a person. If you kill someone, you have problems with that person that you hide in life.
Specifically hammering a nail—it means you need to fix something in your routine life—OR—it means you did something well and will get a reward.
Most often, you feel insecure and people will find your faults. It also means you have low self-esteem.
Natural Disasters
In general, they can be a form of precognition, the ability to see the future. Unfortunately, we judge how accurate they are after the disaster. That means no one will believe you because society will think you made it up.
If you sew, then you need to close some unfinished business. If you get jabbed by a needle, a personal relationship annoys you.
If you see an inky blackness, it means you’re confused about a relationship or career move. It also means repressed thoughts or memories. It could also be a big signal from your shadow self to integrate your personality.
Night Terrors
Night terrors are an enhanced kind of nightmare. They involve a lot of physical movement while sleeping and physical symptoms like sweating, a racing heartbeat and, sometimes, you may feel like you went into shock. Unlike nightmares, the person doesn’t remember what happened in the night terror. With nightmares, you remember what happened when you wake up.
In general, you’ve just entered into REM, the deepest part of the sleep cycle. During REM, you lose some mobility (but not like the immobility entry) and get a pins-and-needles feeling and limbs get cold. It’s common for you to lose some circulation to your limbs.
However, if your breathing becomes affected, then an old hag may be attacking you.
You’ve overindulged and you feed ashamed of your actions.
Ocean (also Water)
Water represents your emotional state. If you float alone in an ocean, lake or river, then you feel isolated and lost. If the water is rough, then you suffer from anxiety.
If you are the surgeon, then some old problems are about to surface and you need to take care of them. If you’re the patient, then you need to seek counseling to get over a traumatic event.
Without arousal, it means you feel the need to be yourself. With arousal, then you need work out some sexual urges.
You feel abandoned more in your personal life than your work life.
Ouija Boards
Take the message the planchette at face value. It’s your subconscious speaking to you. It’s not paranormal.
You need to nourish your body or spirit. If you feel angry about the food you eat, then you may have an eating disorder.
If you dream of falling sheets of paper, then you feel overwhelmed by work.
Pathways (also Roads, Trails)
If you dream of walking down a dirt path and it’s clear, then you’ve made right decisions about your career, personal life or spiritual trek. If it winds, or it’s filled with obstructions, then you need to clear the clutter in your work and romantic life.
Pits symbolize hopelessness. It could also mean your shadow self is about to catch you off guard.
If the plants grow at a fast rate, then it means your life is about to spin out of control. If the plants attack you, then you have too many demands from your family or friends.
You need to get rid of something in your life. It usually means one of your close friends or a lover.
You’ve been reckless lately and you need to get your act together.
If you dream of being possessed, or fighting off something trying to get into your body, you could be under attack from the etheric plane, astral plan, or interdimensional plane. You need to protect yourself.
This is your brain telling you to stop the wild, destructive behavior you’ve done lately.
Public Humiliation (also Public Speaking)
This is simply anxiety and fears of failure.
You feel ashamed of something you did. If you see somebody else punished, then they represent a part of your psyche. The punished person is the link to your shame.
You feel insecure in a relationship or at work and it’s taking over your life.
If rabid animals stalk you, then you fear something out of your control. Generally speaking, you may have an addiction you need to cure.
You feel disempowered in a relationship, at home or at work. Oddly enough, this is your brain getting ready to make you more assertive in your daily life.
If you dream of rats, you spend too much time at work, and it’s starting to effect your home life.
You’re thinking about ending a relationship in your personal life.
Recurring Nightmares
Recurring nightmares indicate the inability to move on with an issue. For a nightmare to classify as recurring, you must have it a few times a month. Generally, recurring nightmares are caused by a traumatic event in life, like a car accident. The setting may change, but the physical feeling should be consistent. If you fell off a building and broke your leg, your recurring nightmare will have the falling feeling, but you could fall from a bridge or cliff in the dream. If you have recurring nightmares, seek therapy.
Robbery dreams usually mean you resent someone in your life trying to make decisions for you. It also symbolizes losing something very dear to you.
Roller Coaster
It’s not necessarily the roller coaster that’s symbolizes your psyche, but the ride itself. All the ups-and-downs mean you have a lot of fear present, or you feel helpless in a life changing event, like a divorce or a big move.
If you bound, then you need to express some negative emotions. If it’s a hangman’s noose, then you’re going to end a relationship soon.
Running Away (in fear)
You need to get out of a very negative situation very soon, or it will cause a lot of emotional pain.
If you dream of sacrificing yourself for another person, then you are too dependent on a more dominant person. It could mean you have self-esteem issues.
The Devil represents your dark side. You have problems to sort through like any other demon we mentioned earlier. Anyway, the Devil doesn’t bother with humans. His minions might, but not the Devil himself.
You have a new competitor, who will get physical to get what they want.
You simply have a problem with anxiety.
You need to dump someone and get back into the dating scene. Something good will make himself/herself known to you soon.
Same-Sex Intercourse Dreams
If you are female and have sex with a female, then you need some nurturing in your life. If you’re male and have sex with a male, then you need to be more independent and assertive in your personal life.
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Usually, a STD dream means you think your lover is cheating on you. If single, you may feel guilty about a sexual encounter or a partner.
In generally, you fear some part of your own psyche. You need to work on integrating your personality.
Sinking Ship
Oddly enough, if you dream of being on a sinking ship, then your unconscious is trying to explore some parts of your less savory psyche. It’s letting you know it’s going to fix your personality.
You need clarity in your life. You feel confused in your current situation.
The snake represents your dark side. If it bites you, then you feel threatened by it. But, you need to make peace with it, or you will feel threatened when you don’t need to be.
Sores (also Wounds)
You’re sensitive about your failures. This is a case where you need to accept you failed and move on. Otherwise, it will always hold you back on future endeavors.
Spear (also Sword)
If you’re a woman, then the guy holding the spear wants to do you. If you’re a man holding a spear, you want some action. Pretty straightforward dream meaning, eh?
It’s not really the spider that’s the problem; it’s the webbing. Web represent the lies you’ve told or other deceptive trappings. You’re about to get caught and there’s no saving you.
Something’s holding you back in your life. This one is vague, so you need to look at other parts of your dream to find the who’s strangling you or what’s strangling you.
Suffocation (also Trapped, Claustrophobia)
This one is easy enough: You feel smothered in a relationship. You need to take a break and find yourself again.
Suicide dreams are one of the few dreams that have a literal meaning. If you dream of your own suicide, then seek help for your mental condition. If you dream of someone else committing suicide, see if you can talk to them about getting help.
You’ve come to clarity in your home or work situation, and you’re ready to take action.
Just the opposite of sunrise above. Things are getting dark and you’re losing clarity.
You’re entering into a dangerous situation in your personal life. You should take a step back and think about what’s best for you.
You recently cleaned up a negative part of your life. Tears represent that cleaning.
Any dream with teeth in it has sexual meaning. If a single tooth is pulled, it means you have some sort of need to masturbate. If you have all your teeth pulled, then you’ve lost your sexual urges.
If you dream you answer the phone, but no one is on the line, then you feel disconnected from your family and friends. If you hear the phone ring and can’t find it, then that disconnection is more extreme.
If you dream you were in a terrorist attack, then you feel very vulnerable in your daily life. It could mean something happened in your personal or work life that you can’t control.
If you can’t talk in your dream, then you feel someone is suffocated in a relationship, or you’re too submissive.
In this case, you want to look into what the object changed into. If you have a puppy that becomes a wolf, look up what the wolf represents.
Trees represent you in your dream. You need to pay attention to what happens to the tree because it will tell you about yourself and your relationships.
If you dream you go underground, to find something unpleasant, then you are working on integrating your shadow self. This is a good thing.
Urine (also Pee, Piss)
If you pee on someone, then you want to control them. If you see someone get pissed on, then you really don’t like them. If you get pissed on, then you need to release some negative emotions.
If you dream of vampires, you need to look at your relationship with the other person in the dream. It means you have a bad relationship with them. However, there can be a paranormal source for the dream, psychic vampires.
They live by draining normal folks of their energy. In most cases, a psychic vampire doesn’t know they’re a vampire. Don’t hurt them! They’re still normal people.
In general, being a victim in a dream means you have some stress or anxiety in your life. However, if you were the victim of a traumatic event, then your mind is still working on how to solve your emotions about it.
Vomit has a few literal meaning. Either you realize you have an eating disorder and you mind wants you get help. Or, you are about to become physically sick.
Vultures represent someone taking credit for your work. Take a look at your work place and try to determine who would do that.
War (also Battles, Battlefields)
You have a serious internal conflict, or you are about to have it out with someone at work.
A werewolf represents your inner monster. It’s a part of your dark side and it has a problem with power in a sexual relationship. It means you may have an unbalanced dominant side to sex.
A whip means punishment, but the punishment is so severe, it causes guilty feelings. If you whipped someone, you realize you were too extreme. If you receive a whipping, you think you received unjust punishment.
This one is pretty serious. If you dream of getting sucked into a whirlpool, you have an emotional conflict with someone close to you. But, your emotions are so strong and negative, someone could get hurt. Seek some advice from someone you trust about whatever conflict you have.
Wind (also Tornado, Tsunami, Tidal Wave)
In general, you feel helpless about your current situation. You will get tossed around, battered and bruised. You see no way out. Since wind is clear, you really don’t know what could be harming you. It could be an addiction or mental health problem.
If you dream of a witch, it generally means you have issues with a female relationship. It could be your mother, aunt, a co-worker or sibling, but it’s someone you often see. It means they have some sort of mystical power of you. You want to take back control of the relationship, but you don’t know how to do it.
In general, a zombie represents a drain on your enjoyment of life. You may have health problems or you have a job you don’t like. It could also mean you need a more creative way to express yourself. There’s nothing paranormal about a zombie dream.
Research sources:
“The Nightmare Encyclopedia” by Jeff Belanger, New Page Books, 2006.
More internet sites about dreams and nightmares than you can shake a stick at.
Selection Criteria
In order to make our list, at least 4 sources had to agree on the meaning. In most cases, we used Freud’s and Jung’s conclusions about dream meanings, if we found no paranormal elements from other sources. If we found paranormal elements in a dream interpretation, at least 4 sources had to agree on the supernatural source.
Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Jacob Rice
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144 thoughts on “Supernatural Dream Meanings | Ghosts & Monsters In Dreams”
This is the second time this has happened. Well third if you count the time it was outside my door.
I use black salt on my windows and door. The first experience i had i was staying in a hotel in Charlotte, NC. I always put up a barrier while in public dwellings.
I was in an upstairs room with a window that opened on hinges. I had it open and fell asleep and dreamed something was trying to open it but couldn’t get in.
The last september i saw a freddy Krueger looking thing staring at me.
I saged the house and prayed and took a spiritual bath. Went outside a storm came out of nowhere. I saw thousands of lights flying through the sky and a beam of light set down beside me. The limb in the tree fell opposite the wind and direction of its growth.
A few months later i heard something calling to me from outside my door wanting me to let it come in.
A few weeks ago there was a storm and something hit my window on the second story. I chalked it up to the storm but last night as im sleeping in my dream and awake state something was banging on my window. I told it to go away. Wild sage seems to attract it. Idk… idk who the or what the it is. I cant salt the whole house its not my place. What else can i do to keep it away?
I always dreamed of a vampiric world operating along side our world when i was a child it was reoccurring.
Hey Im 16 and I’ve been having the same nightmare where all I see is darkness then when I turn around I see a skull horse with demon like wings the size of a house and all of this started when I moved to a different state and I was about 10 years old and I hear it making a weird noise then I start crying but by the years it gotten worse because when I cry I don’t cry out tears I cry out blood then I’m just stuck in that dream it happens like about 3 times a month
In my dream, I heard a muffled little girl’s voice coming through the radio in my room, and I saw a light on in my kitchen. So I got up and walked in there and there was a young little girl in the pantry, and I said “Who are you?” And she turned face down and buried her face in my stomach. She held both my hands back and continued to burry her face. I couldn’t push her hands back, she was stronger then me and I just started screaming “Who are you!?” Over and over. I woke up feeling scared. It’s bothered me for a while.
Hi, I recurringly dream about a place,feels quite familiar. I am constantly dreaming actors and I’m having intimate relationships with them. Also today it appeared again but in the middle of the dream I found myself, sucked on neck blood. I felt very scared knew it was wrong not sleeping paralysis but it’s in my dream. I cant move and I’m allowing the act. But a few people saved me. I have sleeping paralysis when I sleep during day time. And my face turns numb.
Hi, i had a dream the other night and its played my head since. I dont remember much of it. But what i do remember is i was upstairs with my daughter. Shes only 8 we lived in a house that we knew of spirits been in the frontroom so we always avoided it. I went in there and i felt as if i was been watched but couldnt see anything. It was dark as the light didnt work. My daughter had done something bad i cant remember what and as a punishment i took her in the room where the spirit was in there i looked behind me and i could see a light reflection on a mans face. He had dark hair, looked like he was in his early 30’s never seen this person before. But in the dream he looked at me and then vanished. I woke from then. I wouldnt ever be that cruel to my daughter but in my dream i was. Id love to know what my dream ment please.
Hi Lauren, thanks for commenting. There’s a lot to process in your dream. I’ll break into parts, then give you the overall meaning. Your daughter means good things coming in the near future. Your home and bed represent security. Moved furniture means old relationships or old ways of thinking. Black cats mean you fear something or you’re afraid of your own power in a situation. An open front door represents new opportunities. Clothes or possessions outside mean there’s a sudden change coming or just happened and it’s created chaos in your real life. The voice you hear doubles down on this meaning: It’s a warning or signal of the change. Although, this means the situation will focus more on your daughter. The fog means deception or uncertain feelings. Women in dreams usually represent feminine aspects of your personality like nurturing, sympathy or diving. The number 7 usually means conflict, so this tends to emphasize uncertain emotions mentioned earlier.
In all, it seems like you’re not happy with a decision made by your daughter. The dream’s focus isn’t on you, but how you’re managing a situation in real life. This type of dream usually happens with pregnant women, but I don’t know your life situation to say for sure. It could also be that someone is getting married to someone you don’t approve of or perhaps your daughter is thinking of moving away. Anyway, it’s usually a big life change for someone in your life and your actions and feeling contradict each other. It causes anxiety and that’s what causes the dream to happen.
Hope that helps!
I had a dream i was home and in bed. My daughters shouted me as i went to check them they was fine but i got into my room. My tv had been moved and i could hear scratching in another room as i checked there was a black cat. Windows wasnt opened and i dont own animals. I took the cat down and let it out the front door to find doors are open, lights are on and to find some of mine and my daughters belongings been thrown out. It was clear outside could see everything. I locked up and came up stairs to put my daughters in my room with me so i knew they was safe. Once i got them in my bed and asleep. I could hear was the same voice as my daughters. Was shouting me to come down and make food. I then heard more scratching from the same room as before to find a black cat again. I looked down my stairs to see my door is unlocked and open again and more things thrown out. Only this time i rushed to get them in as it was getting or foggy and heard to see. As i got the last bits of my things. I still had hold of the cat but as i looked up there was around 7 women watching. Then they all walked towards me with a smile on there faces asking to be let in. I didnt invite them i told them they had to go away and leave me alone. I then woke up. Is my dream trying to tell me anything?
Hi Natalie, thanks for commenting. This is a pretty common dream with teens and young adults. It usually means you’re trying to figure out your identity. That means you look at outside cues, like friends, family members and pop culture to help define yourself. These dreams tend to become more common when a life change will happen. It could be anything from moving away, graduation, a divorce, a baby, etc. Big events that will change your life.
There is another common meaning, too. It deals with trying to change someone else to be more acceptable to you. Frustration, anxiety and other negative emotions can trigger the dream. But it’s a life lesson to learn: No matter how hard you try, people don’t change because you want them to.
Hope that helps!
Hi um this is my first time ever talking publicly about a dream and I just hope you can help me understand it:) ok so the night before, me and my best friend wanted to “manifest” ourselves in each other’s dreams. We did everything we could think of (setting intentions, letting go). however, when i dreamt, i was outside with my mother, it was just past sunset. then i saw a small card that said VIRGO on it and it had a bunch of fingers. I then heard knocking, so i looked up. i saw a figure who had my best guy friends body, wearing his clothes, but he was faceless and his eyes were glowing white. he was knocking from my room’s window at my old house. apparently there was someone else (who i know) in the house so i started running towards the other side of the house to alert them. the figure started running too. i tried to scream and tell them to get out but i started stuttering and couldnt speak anymore. that was when i made myself wake up. also, i never dream of faceless people, so i dont know what this means.
Hi Ashley, thanks for commenting. This dream could have a few meanings. I’ll describe what each dream symbol means, and I’ll give you my take on it: The female spirit is one of your emotions. It’s usually guilt. The bed means you’re comfortable with a decision you made or your life status. A high school friend generally means reassurance or validation. Needing water deals with negative emotions again. Roommates usually represent some kind of characteristic you’d like to have.
So, this makes me think you have an important change coming in your life. You may be coerced into making a decision; something you don’t want to do. The dream suggests you’ve talked to people about it because you’re unsure of yourself. Whatever it is, it’s likely to impact people close to you, which would cause the guilt.
Hope that helps. This one could have a few meanings, so I’d ask you to get a second opinion. I’m not sure what’s happening in your life, so it’s hard to pinpoint the true meaning of the dream.
Help had a lucid nightmare of a female spirit shaking the bed (in the dream not my actual bed) I got up with a numb leg and lay by a friend i haven’t talked to since high school and asked to hold her hand bc the bed i was on was shaking then as we tried to go back to sleep the spirit woke us up screaming help someone help I need wateraaaaaahhhh -then sounded like she was getting beat up in the room next to us but a roommate came in and told us she’s a lost soul. I was so scared in my dream i initiated prayer to my Lord Jesus Christ i packed up our shit and my sister picked us up. Never had a dreamlike this before. Help this needs to mean something!!!!!!!!!!
I have two dreams that been bothering me a lot. First one, I dream about other parent’s daughter that she is sick and have kind of cancer, it’s like urges me or want me to let them know. It was my cousin’s kid’s classmate and It’s out of blue dream tho. second dream, I have this dream few times, first one I was chasing by ghost on boat in upstairs then when I tried go downstairs and it tried to shove me down then recently it’s about my family in same dream, one of my family try go downstairs and it tries to shove them off too wtf. I don’t exactly understand it’s meaning….
I had a sudden dream about an unknown entity trying to take my little sister, it was extremely heavy and my heart was racing when I woke up, nothing like this has ever happened before and it was out of the blue, I can’t remember the dream I was having before but I was up for hours after and couldn’t get back to sleep because I was so anxious and worried for some reason, i was on real high alert all night , I couldn’t see who was doing it but I just remember it being really strong and I was genuinely struggling in the dream to hold onto my sister. I’ve never had a scarier experience, it was so intense I woke up and felt like I’d been in a physical fight
Hi John, thanks for commenting. This is a pretty straightforward dream. It deals with being overwhelmed. Now, being overwhelmed could mean the unsavory side of your personality has been getting loose more often, you have a lot of important decisions to make, or your job is just really tough right now. Since you see crows, it usually deals with poor health or an oncoming death of a family member. Finally, the arrow in chest from the crow means something like you’re repressing your negative emotion, but they’re about to escape. Those emotions probably ties back in with the monster of mixed animals. I hope this helps! It’s not a paranormal dream by any means.
Hello, last year I had a dream of this creature that was tall as trees, looked like a mixture of animals, tore people apart and would eat everything. Then the creature reached towards me and burst into crows. One guy said thanks you saved me, then he had an arrow into his chest from a crow.
I have a lot of things going on and want to see what your interpretation is. When I was younger, I had a regular dream about being chased down a white hall that curves and such. The entity behind me is a black coat with red eyes. Eventually I’d come across 4 doors on the right side of the hall all in a row like a school or something, and I’d always pick the far left one. The door would shut behind me to block the chaser for about 2 mins. I had to solve a puzzle before it got in to excape this mansion place. I’d be warped out. That’s part 1. I have another reoccurring dream currently that’s far worse, plus some real world run ins with the paranormal, and dreams interacting with friends. Email me for the full story. I’d love to know what your take on things are.
Hi Mafrik, thanks for commenting. A monster means a fear you have. It’s not paranormal. It means you have something you need to settle in your daily life. It could be anger at family or friends. You may have a life change coming (like going to college, having a baby, etc.). You would need to solve that fear or anxiety. Once you do that, the monster will go away.
i have an nightmare of an monster every 4-6 days and i can’t sleep becouse of it and i am realy scared that monster is real i swear but still i know it doesen’t exist how do i get rid of him (sorry for english)
I think mobile has a cap but u can click non-amp in footer to get the desktop version.
Maybe it’s because Im on a mobile device, but the comments stop at 2018 for me when I scroll.
Hi Cylan, thanks for commenting with additional insight. As for the comments, they’re set to appear as you scroll. There’s a lot of them, so I had to do this to speed up the page.
How can I see more recent comments?
Death is also linked with rebirth. If this invisible person is a constant in your snippets, or stages as I like to call them, in your dreams I feel like there are some dramatic changes you are either going through right now, or will soon go through. We have a strong sense of self that often goes unnoticed, but manifests in our dreams when outside forces can not distract us from it. The invisible person represents you, as you have mentioned. Its invisible because you cannot clearly see yourself on the other side of these challenges and changes. You do know know the path you will take, and you are hesitant because you can not see the outcome. This is normal. We usually like to SEE where we are going before we take a step. The people in your dream telling you that you will die if you look at this person represents your fear of change. The invisible person is alien to you as you do not recognize your future self. But it IS You, so you have nothing to fear. You only have fear itself to be afraid of.
Hi Valentino, thanks for commenting. This is a dream about regret. The invisible person is actually you, and the house means someone keeps the regret secret. Once they talk about it, you’re no longer safe. This meaning is broad, so it’s hard to pinpoint what your regret is. I hope that helps.
I’m just curious about this one dream I keep having, it kind of makes me anxious but in this dream there was nothing serious. It mostly snippets of random things but I keep remembering this one thing, that there’s an ‘invisible person’ just there, in a setting of house which isn’t mine. Supposedly I was told by someone in the dream if I look at the invisible person I’ll die? I feel like this invisible person is a part of me and represents something?
Hi Valerie, thanks for commenting. This dream deals with anxiety. All the people dying and becoming ghosts represent your worries around a big change in your life. Since your mother and sister found you, it means you can handle the big life change. A dream like this is pretty common with pregnant women. It’s not paranormal. No worries there!
Hi I’m hoping to get an interpretation of my dream last night. I’m currently pregnant so my dreams are often and vivid. I dreamt I was in the middle of nowhere in a house that was haunted and every person who enters dies and becomes a ghost. I enter and somehow beat the house because my mother and sister show up to save me from a phone gps they tracked me there. When they show up the house sucks my sister and kills her and me and my mother are outside. What I encountered inside were all the ghosts who were terrified and didn’t know they were ghosts but still trying to escape but help me at the same time. I woke up terrified and couldn’t sleep for a long period.
Hi Nia, thanks for commenting. This is a dream about a change coming in your life. It could be a physical move or a life stage. You’ll have to leave some people behind as you take this journey. But it seems like you have a problem with one of them. You’ll have to resolve it before you can move forward. It’s a dream about change: It’s not paranormal.
What does it mean when I dreamt of being able to see ghosts of unknown people that probably means harm in my dream?
So basically I had a dream of where I was taking a trip with family and I was living in our old apartment complexfrom when i was 11-15 years old and one of the neighbors wanted us to pack her suitcase with us cuz she said she was coming too but she’s going to drive her car and she didn’t have any room in her car for it but she wants to put it in our car but I told them that she didn’t have a car. While I was looking back at the apartments that she came from and I noticed it was one guy that was just standing there facing the wall and then a lady came out with a suitcase facing the wall and as soon as I told the live person that we don’t have room for her suitcase that’s when the two people that was facing the wall turned and faced us and started walking really fast to get in the car. I told my family to hurry up I took the bag out the car and I got in the car and we lock the doors and we drove off. The suitcase had the male ghost real body in it…..
Hi Jesse, thanks for commenting. Your dream is rather unsavory: It deals with aggression toward other people. The celebrities in your dream represent people in your life. They could be friends, relatives or even acquaintances. Killing means anger toward the subject. It seems as though you realize it because you got stopped by Dan Akroyd before you could continue. The unknown substance that goes from powder to goo represents something they possess that you want. It could be a personality attribute or physical beauty.
Hi, I had a dream I killed a poltergeist, I was in a mansion that had been converted into a hotel, people I didn’t know where with me but kept being killed off, I remember one being in the library, one was in the court with a 19th or 18th century water fountain (huge), the poltergeist had taken form at one time and it was a man dressed up in safari gear almost looking like colonel mustard from clue.
Next thing I knew I was in a random room, as I was standing there the room changed into what seemed like that past, this guy dressed up like special ops (in all black) was standing in front of me handing me a leatherman tool to use for the poltergeist.
Then I was running through a room stacked high with storage containers, they were stacked in such a way that it felt like a maze, as I was running through it it changed into a hedge maze and I was screaming for the poltergeist to show its face and to come and get me.
All of a sudden i was standing infront of the lady of the hotel and trying to explain to her that we needed to shut off the power to the house to release it so I could kill it. She shut it off then I was in a room where Angelina Jolie was being posessed, I saw the shadows of (deamonds?) running around her on the walls, a few were small and one was a huge devil like shadow with horns, kind of like a bull look, the only way for me to kill them was to stab the shadows on the walls with the leatherman knife I was given.
When i had killed them I looked over at her and saw a substance I’ve never seen before, it was fluffy and light like a cloud but stuck together like a solid, it was powdery and fell apart when i scooped it up in my hands but once it fell apart it was still powdery but took on the form of goo so kind of sticky and to top it off it was green.
I started running through a hall yelling at Tommy Lee Jones that they’re back (he was wearing a ghost buster outfit) Dan Aykroyd tackled me to the ground saying that Tommy was working for (Someone of high authority, felt like government?) and that I shouldn’t talk to him, then I woke up.
I’ve never had such a vivid dream in my life, I woke up remembering everything (as far as I can tell)
Do you have any idea what this means?
I remember dreaming I was at my parents house helping my mom clean out her bedroom. She asked me to go into my brother’s old room and get the laundry basket and when I went in there, I noticed some loose change on the floor. When I stooped down to pick it up, a man walked up to me. I saw he was wearing polished black dress shoes, and as I stood up, I noticed he was dressed in a dark grey, pale pinstripe suit with a dark purple shirt and black tie. His head was all black and his face looked like a ghost mask; empty dark eyes, no nose and his mouth was hanging open in, what I can only describe as, a dead expression. I was a bit afraid, but I said to him, “Oh, you again.”
He suddenly reached out and grabbed the sides of my head, I noticed his hands were as white as his face but the ends of his fingers were blood red, pulled me closer to his face and let out this horrible moan. I immediately grabbed his wrists, pried his hands off and said, “You’re not pulling that stunt with me.” He stopped moaning and leaned closer, tilting his head like he was confused. I was getting mad at that point and I said, “You heard me. Now, get the hell out of here.” I woke up shortly after with the feeling that he was still there but I managed to fall asleep again.
I dreamt about him again three nights later, only this time, it was in my apartment. I was walking down the hallway to my bathroom when he came out of my computer room in front of me. I remember saying, “Oh for god’s sake.” At that, he let out the same horrible moan, but it was louder this time and he looked like he was screaming at me. I yelled at him, “No! Don’t you start!” He stopped and I could see he was mad now; he slowly clenched his fists, glaring at me like he wanted to tear me apart. I said, “Get the f**k out of here, you a**hole.” I woke up just as he lunged at me
I dreamt I was staying…somewhere, the place wasn’t specific I can’t even remember what the place looked like, only one thing was standout, I saw the long curtains move by the sliding glass door that was in the room, and when I went to grab them and open them someone or something grabbed onto my hands and then a head pushed through the curtain, just the imprint of one anyway, and it began to laugh loudly, maniacally the head portruded from the side of it’s body rather then where…well a head is supposed to be, at least that’s what it looked like, as it was still behind the curtain. It wasn’t looking at me and it held me in place for what felt like an eternity, then it stopped laughing and the head turned to face me, once it did the impression of its face shifted into a horrid smile and then I woke up, gasping for air and sweating
Hi Alexis, thanks for commenting. This is a common anxiety dream; it’s not paranormal. It generally indicates a big life event, like moving away from home, a divorce, or something that takes you out of the safety your life had up to this point. I’ve had readers write about similar dreams when they’re about to graduate high school or move away to go to college. Depending on your life situation, his one could have many different interpretations. But it always deals with worry, anxiety and fear of a new life chapter.
I had a dream where I was in a dark abandoned home and I was being scratched and mentally hurt from ghosts. I saw quick glances of blood and gore, then I was in front of tombstones. I couldn’t read anything, though I usually can, and then I was pulled back into the house and hurt more. I walked around with bare feet, and I ended up stepping on a scorpion. What does this mean???
Hi Cat, thanks for commenting. This is a lot to take in, but the foundation of the dream deals with losing a loved one. You may fear that a parent, sibling, grand parent or a close friend will die or move away. If that’s the not the case, it could deal with a major life event. It might be graduating or moving out on your own. Anyway, it all comes down to a fear of change in your life. It’s not paranormal.
Hi Sophie, thanks for commenting. This is a dream about emotional distance in a relationship. It likely deals with your husband, since massaging and kissing are symbols for your most intimate relationships.
So I had this dream that I’m giving someone a massage and then they are trying to kiss me and I try to resist them. Then they are looking above my head at something I cant see. I know something is there too. I start to float and grab them and try to feed them to whatever it is above my head. As I am doing so I am making these loud moans at which point my husband wakes me up to get me to move away from him cause he was freaked out because I was moaning for real.. I’m wide awake now feeling very anxious and this is not the first time something very similar has happened to me. Please help
Ok so I had a dream it started off normal I was in gym at school with my brother and then we went to somebody’s house I dont know whos house but we took our other brother with us all of a sudden things get weird and scary someone knocks at the door we open it its a little Asian boy about 6or 7 asking for a goat he has a white shirt with blood on it that says steakhouse and a the bone of a goat’s head on his head with goat meat slapped on his shoulders we say that we dont have a goat and he leaves but then he keeps coming back he possessed my dog and gave her a goat body with horns, for some weird reason I think if I chop off my limbs everything will be okay so I start chopping off my hand and there is no blood but I stopped halfway and started crying I look inside my hand and there is metal in there that is keeping my hand in place so I put this sleeve thing on and check outside, the door was split in half so I opened the bottom and my dog/goat?? Bites the hand I tried to cutoff I quickly close the door and my brother15 comes running up to me asking if I was okay I told him that the dog hurt my arm and he started checking it he said not to tell anyone cause then we couldnt come back I said it’s coming off and he just checked outside again my other brother13 (who has down syndrome) started acting weird and that’s when “London bridge is falling down” starts playing my brother13 goes outside and starts dancing with Asian boy staring at him it is no longer night. Things go dark and light again brother13 is now wearing a goat head on his head dark then light he is wearing goat pajamas dark then light there are goat toys taped all over his body except his head and he is just dancing to London bridge the Asian boy looks at me and brother15 and says I need a goat and disappears brother 15 tries to get brother13 to stop and come inside but nothings working as he is still in his goat outfit dancing to London bridge I scream towards the Asian boy who isn’t here btw to leave us alone leave my brother alone just go away we dont have goats. And then I woke up
Hi Lia, thanks for commenting. Ghosts always represent part of your mind. The soda machine means a decision to make, and it makes life easier for you and everyone around you. The praying and phrase is an action to take. Cats mean something has their “claws” in you, so you must be hung up on this person. But, a black cat means that period is ending. Glass cylinder means protection or a barrier that keeps the bad stuff away.
So, this makes me think you’ll tell your ex off if he comes back into your life, and this time, he’ll stay away. Since you’re surrounded by people in your dream, you have support in place and it’s a good decision. Hope that helps!
Hmm… First let me say this is a very nice site and very informative. Now on to the weird dream I had when I had a nice nap. A ghost (evil) was in what looked like a soda machine (it wasn’t). It was locked and the ghost was just looking at me and some people who I was with (have no idea who these people were in waking life). Then I mentioned something about helping said ghost and then she came out of the machine and put a hold on me with her body, but it was like a collar. I started to pray with a bunch of other people and then she let go of me and joined on to someone else when they said a certain phrase (I can’t remember). Then there was a few cats and one of the cats was a black cat that was my ex-boyfriend (yeah don’t ask how. I hate him and love cats). The ghost went into him and every thing seemed fine. I was actually happy he was being possessed and put into a glass cylinder like thing. – Does this sound like he is going to come back into my life and create drama AGAIN? That’s what I am getting from it.
Hi Nicole, thanks for asking. Sure, of course. And you can use whatever info you need from the site.
I’m an author of paranormal true stories. Would you mind if I put a link in my book to your website to this page? So that readers can refer to your dream dictionary? It would just be this link.
Let me know. Thank you!
I had a dream last night. Usually I don’t remember them, but this was significant. I was in an isolated area beside a mobile home trailer that looked run down. I was outside in the yard and it was surrounded by woods. I was alone until a little girl came up to me talking to me. She was a ghost she was glowing white. She was super nice and I wasn’t afraid of her, but I couldn’t remember what she said. Then we both got scared and there were werewolves coming and running through the forest around us. Then I woke up.
Hi Merari, thanks for commenting. Sleep paralysis can happen for a variety reasons, so I’ll focus on your overall dream. It represents fear, anxiety and/or worry. Your negative emotions. Many things can cause nightmares like this, but it’s usually triggered by recent events or a long-time worry that happened. You may also feel that the world is in chaos and your safety is at risk.
Hello, my name is Merari. I recently just had a dream and/or have gone into a sleep paralysis. The sleep paralysis I believe I went into, I felt conscious, but almost like I was drugged out. At the end of my roommate’s bed (which she wasn’t in) I saw a dark figure. I reached for it and it came towards me. I think I smiled or laughed. Then I had a dream where I there were two hispanics being mistreated by a coworker. Being hispanic myself I defended the couple. The man who was being disrespectful and I had an argument, I guess I got him mad or something and he started running to the bathroom about to throw up. He didn’t make it to the bathroom and as he wanted to throw up more, he kept running. He made it to the bathroom door and he said in a dark voice “I love when people tempt me”, then his body started deforming. His arm was behind his head, he started ripping his head off and making groaning noises. I turned over to the couple as they were hiding and I was stepping up the help the man and calm him down. After he started stretching his head off, I woke up in terror. I would love if you got back to me, I know this post goes a little back, but I am a little spooked right now and scared to fall back asleep because I feel my mind will go back into another sleep paralysis in which I had suffered a lot of before.. Thank you!
Thanks Jacob, I will eagerly wait for your reply via email, and no worries please take your time because i’m not in a rush anyway. thanks.
Hi Lyn, thanks for commenting. This is a lot to take in. I’ll need a couple of days to research it. I will respond through email.
Hi Jacob,
May God Bless You Always, as you are imparting your knowledge towards other peoples wisdom and thoughts. God bless you for that 😀
Just want to know your interpretation anyway regarding myself. you know since I was a teenager I always dreamed about God, baby Jesus, Mary and Saints and even the Satan himself I encountered him through my dreams the only thing makes me win against him is just I have a strong faith in God and just only prayers I used to say to him and he disappear and I win on my dreams and I woke up like tired because I was fighting with him and I used lots of energy on me and I can feel it when I woke up.
Since I got married, I don’t dream anymore this type of dreams. but still there is something around in me, or it could be just a feeling or I called it as an intuition.
You know ever since I got married, if I think of something, and I told my husband about what I think he said it to me too that he was thinking about that too, then after few days or certain time it actually happened, like for instance we say thanks God our kids didn’t got sick anymore then I say that to my husband and he said he’s thinking the same and after few days our children got sick, what’s that mean? if we say something good what happened next is the other way around. if we say bad or not good it is actually happening. looks like I’ve got some kind of bad energy around me or whatever.
Then lately I dreamed about number 67 and it’s still fresh on my mind that number and doesn’t go away since then. and after that I start meditating regularly and i’m getting this headache lately come and go but nothing to worry about, I can handle it.
Since i’ll do meditation, most of my dreams i’ll remember, I even make a journal of it and just to re-read it in the future.
There are 2 different dreams that doesn’t go away in my mind now, one is I was travelling with a bus and along the road people are fixing road like they make new road, so no vehicle can enter but only people can walk and go through the destination, which I did walk and went through my destination, and along the ques to go inside the building I was looking my other team mates but I didn’t find them, and went inside by myself.
Then I saw my old friend when I was in elementary, I ask her if she see my team mates and said yes she did and I did see them went through the other entry already and I said ok i’ll catch up later, then me my old friend go together until we separate each other in the last entry, it’s like we’re in the museum of mining company having a tour you know because we have a guide.
But me and friend is just by ourselves because we have to do some catchup with our group.
But on the last entry me and old friend went different direction and I have to go by myself and upon entry on that last building I found myself on the highest peak or highest level of the mountain that on my left I saw a grave and lots of crosses with the names of people died, and all are unison color white and it’s coming down those grave, from top to bottom and are full of graves and it’s only me in there. nobody else.
It’s like a path is on the edge of that hill, because as you enter the door that graves welcomes you on your left and down to the foot of the hill is a mines (gemstones) floating on a little paddle of water
Then I saw lots of gemstones with different beautiful colors glittering towards me and its a rainbow colors of that gemstones, I saw different forms of gemstones, and the only one truck on my eye is the flower forms of gemstones with rainbow colors glittering a lot like if its alive and is really sparkling and glittering lively.
And since it’s a mining area I thought must be a big company own a lot of that gems but I didn’t see no one anyway except the gems only everywhere down from where I was standing at the hill or mountain.
Then few days after that, around 3am I woke up somebody knocks on our door, a very loud knock, but I didn’t answer it, then I get up in bed very quick and I still hear the loud knocks still on my ear you know, then I listen if it knocks again but it didn’t, then I looked up what’s the time and it’s 3am and it’s still dark and I went back to sleep.
Then when I get up in the morning preparing the lunch for our kids I told my husband about that dream and I said let’s be careful it could be a sign of something good or maybe bad who knows? and he said don’t worry it’s just a dream, and now I start to realize and feels like that I start to connect myself to my higher self, that’s what I feels like, it could be my sub conscious mind is telling me or warning me something ahead of time, but I usually go with my instinct or my gut feelings.
And guess what? when we come back from drop off the kids to school, my mother in law told us that someone is knocking the door as what i told with my husband, but they didn’t answer it.
And i’m thinking lately that maybe is something to do with my aura or whatever you call it a skills or maybe abilities that I need to develop. now I want to ask your understanding about these scenarios that I was telling you, what do you think? do I have some kind of psychic ability that needs to develop? If you think that I had it on me, how can i fully develop that abilities? and what’s involve? and what’s the risk factors? just want to know your insights anyway, thanks and regards,
I used to have night terrors when I was younger now it manly numbness or sleep paralysis. Anyways I rarely remember my dreams and when this one first started out I didn’t mind it I had been driving around working and stuff overall having a decent day in my dream but throughout the whole thing something felt off. The dream went on and I had later came home to the which is no big deal because I really do live with them. But the hour was darker then usual, like not just physically but the whole aura of it was dark but I paid no mind to it. The dream progressed and we were done eating or something and we her glasses crashing too the ground and a very sinister voice say something. Me and my parents had been freaked out and it had came from my end of the house. When it was tome for lights at my house I told my mom I wanted to sleep in there room but she kept ignoring me saying it was nothing and even proceeded to try and give me night vision goggles that I refused then she agreed for me to sleep on there room with out dogs then I woke up. Normally I would have thought it was just some weird dream but I woke up laying straight not my back with my fingers resting on my stomach laced together. And the feeling I had was horrible because I felt genuinely afraid and I had wanted to cry. I don’t really have any idea as to what this means all I know is that I was really freaked out (I had woken up with this dream at 12:40ish).
I almost never have nightmares but there is one bedroom in my house where I have most gruesome kind of nightmares which don’t make any sense. It has a dark maroon colour ceiling I wonder if that is the reason. I’ll tell you about some of the nightmares I’ve had there in the order I remember to have had them.
1. In this dream I was bound up to a wooden table in a dark room. There were two men and they chopped me up starting from my arms. I think I die after that coz I floated out of that body (the one bound to the table), out of that dark room and out towards the gloriously beautiful blue sky. I felt so happy to have fled from that place.
2. My mom and me was in a house (it looked like the current one but maybe not, it was really dark and gloomy inside). We were doing something and then I had to go to a different part of the house to get something and after I found it I came back to where my mom was. She looked up towards me and then screamed. She was terrified of me! I didn’t know why she was so afraid of me and that scared the hell out of me and then I woke up.
3. I was floating around (I have a lot of this kind of dreams. I float over trees, mountains and trees sometimes familiar and sometimes not. I once even dreamt that I was deep in the ocean. There were really big ugly sea creatures with lots of teeth and scales and jellyfish too) and I saw an island. It had a castle/ fortress made of grey cement/ granite I went inside and the walls were drenched with blood. I didn’t see any animal or human remains but I was dead sure it was human blood. I went from section to section trying to find a way out coz I was terrified and all the rooms/ sections were covered in blood. There were pools of blood on the floors everywhere. Finally I found an exit and floated the hell outa there
4. This last dream is weirdest one of all cz it’s a recurring dream from my childhood and not limited to when I’m sleeping only in the aforementioned room. In that dream I’m a male between 18-30 or so I think. I wake up in the night to the sound of dogs barking and immediately realize I’m in danger. So I get out of the house and run towards this low ground area right next to the house which has alot of undergrowth. There are people flashing lights trying to find me but I stay hidden and after a while, I run further away from the house. When I’m running away, I see alot of trees and a house which is half-buried in soil, as if it got caught in a landslide. I then come to a lake and a stare at the water and an inexplicable sense of peace wash over me. I’m pretty sure I’m about to jump into the lake but I always wake up before that.
I’m a skeptic of this kinda thing and I keep telling myself that I have bad dreams cz there’s a maroon colour ceiling in that room where I have nightmares (cz it’s blood-coloured). But I dunno. I really get scared with some of these dreams. I get paralyzed and my whole body becomes ice cold. Can anyone explain why I keep having these dreams and how to stop them?
I just had a dream that to me, was scary. It lasted three to four days (well in dream way not 3 to 4 nights) a figure idk if it was a person or a ghost or whatever knocked on my door then left. It was a loud knock. Well I’m with a stranger and she opens the door and no one is there. I hear something say “I’m coming for you” or something like that. It transitions to the next day and the same thing happens. I texted someone about what happened and I get a text saying “yeah and I’m coming out to get you.” That night I invited my boyfriend at the time in my dream who was my ex’s brother. Which is strange. But he came over and stayed with me and something very strange happened. The thing takes over him and another started talking. I made myself woke up because I was scared
Please reply in email.
I just woke with sleep paralysis. The dream was jumbled but I was in a snowy landscape, near a river. Rounding a corner there was a heavy set, Asian woman there, lanky dark hair hanging to her waist, with a fur lined coat. she opened her mouth as if screaming, but the sound was more a rushing roar as, dark swarming energy flooded through me. I fled, then we were driving to escape with another person in the car, suddenly I could feel the spirits presence behind me, it grabbed my shoulders and began screaming but silent still, flooding darkness, I grasped my companion onto my lap, curling around them to save them, I looked up, seeing the woman’s reflection in the mirror as a truck plowed into us. I woke up, paralysed and unable to move, and the figure was still there holding me, pressed against my back, surrounded in darkness. It was 4:04am.
Help. I think it’s still here. It’s not a woman, just looks like it….
I’ve had a reoccurring dream ever since I was about 4 or 5. I’m 43 now and I can remember each dream as if the happened yesterday. A white glowing witch is beckoning me. Giving me the come hither finger. If that makes any sense. The first time it was in a house. She was coming down a long hallway. I fled the house. Then remembered I forgot my coat and went back. As I grabbed my coat she stood there. Beckoning me with her finger. Another time I was inside my grandparents house looking out the picture window into the backyard. She was under a tree beckoning me. Another time was in the woods. Once again she was under a tree beckoning me. I’ve never really been too disturbed by it, except for the last one I had a few months ago. She came out of a black hole in the ground and stood there. Doing nothing. Then blood started running down her face. I woke up really disturbed by it. I’ve never went to her when beckoned.
Hi. I keep having a dream that something tries to take over my daughter while she sleeps. I go to check on her and I’m screaming for her and shaking her and it feels so evil I’m freaking out and then finally she wakes up and then I’m cuddling her and asking her what’s going on and she always has something different to say about this or that person taking over her and I always wake up feeling like I’m not sure if the dream is real or not.
I feel asleep during the middle of the day with my son so this is a noon sleep for me.
I had a dream that I layed my son down in his bed and my sister knocked on the door then come in to my room and woke me up from my sleep. (btw I thought I was really awake) she brought me a cup of pop and said she had dinner. so I took a drink of the pop and I went to get up but couldn’t I was stuck laying down screaming but she wouldn’t come help me.she kept saying whats wrong why should I come in there. I told her to come get my son please. Then my husband appeared outt nowhere and I thought I had woke up again and was screaming at my husband to help me then again he disappeared like nothing i finally got up thinking I feel back to sleep when my sister left the room and just woke up again. Well I went into my living room where my sister was at. And the whole house was white witch we would never do cuz my sons 2 and cant keep white clean so I told my sister this isn’t real I’m sleeping. Something was off about my sister but she asked me are you sure your not awake? go try and go wake up then and so I did I returned to my bed room and my sister turned into a demon. The demon shoved its fingers down my throat and kept telling me to try again try again. Over and over and over i could wake up or scream. I was never awake but felt as if I was awake 100%
hi! I’ve been having nightmares quite a lot lately and have started wondering if there is something behind them or about them I should know. The dreams start off with me not being able to find my family, then it turns into a wild chase where some sort of woman(ghost or demon) chases me down long poorly lit alleys or hallways. When I finally escape ”it” I find all sorts of eerie objects and notes only for me to be chased again. When I escape yet again I am met with either my family or friends telling me I was paralysed and they tried to wake me. These dreams have been going on for a few months and I have them quite often now. I am starting to feel uneasy during the day and I have chest pains when I even think about going to sleep.
I had a dream at 2 or 3 in the morning that I was in the bed with my boyfriend and dog, like I was in real life, so I thought it was real. It got super insanely cold in the room. It felt like it was 20 degrees and I couldn’t get warm no matter how many blankets I put on me and there was a ghost or spirit messing with/ moving things in the room, like opening the curtain I had just closed and it was freaking me out. I couldn’t see anyone or anything I could just feel that someone was there. And then my mom called around 7 this morning to tell me someone close to me killed herself last night. Its probably a coincidence. I’ve never dreamt of a ghost or spirit I couldn’t see before though.
Hi Chika, thanks for commenting and sending the email. I’m sorry to say I don’t think I help. In my research, I can only say that it’s worry and anxiety that caused the dream, but I don’t have a solution for your real life situation.
Good morning Jacob,
I had a dream about ghosts this morning. When I woke up, it was exactly 6AM. I went to Google to find out the meaning of ghosts in the dream, that was how I saw your article.
The reading really helped me.
I will be grateful if I can communicate with you on your email.
Thank you so much.
Best Regards
I have had this dream a few times over the years. Its always an entity I cannot see. At first it was innocent, then a few months ago it actually picked me up off the ground and began banging my head against the wall. I began praying and quickly rose from my sleep. Today, however, the dream took a drastic change. I was home lying on my couch watching tv, my youngest appears out of nowhere (she was supposed to be at daycare), we’re watching tv when the feeling of the entity comes over me, a baloon in the room starts moving rapidly, the tv starts flickering, at this point I am holding my daughter and I begin to shout “go away gh….”. Before I can finish the word my voice turns demonic and I am pulled from the earth, I am levitating throughout the room, it has now become dark outside and there is an entity at the window wearing a red shredded dress with dark black eyes trying to pull me with my daughter still in my arms through the window. I began praying and once again woke up. I couldn’t move for 5 minutes after waking up and could see a shadowy face on my ceiling.
Ima try to make this easy to understand cause it’s complicated lol. A Evil spirit/clown was telling me scary things, in my ear, in a creepy way, saying pretty much something’s gonna happen soon. & then I got a text from my “boyfriend” getting all mad at me, I don’t even know. But it wasn’t him, it was fake. It was like hacked so they could trick me IDK. They took over my phone in a way & made me hear like clown music when I tried talking to someone on the phone ( this dream was at night BTW, it was scarier because it was based off before I fell asleep. I was trying to sleep in the beginning of the dream, but kept hearing & seeing scary stuff) & wouldn’t let me see any of my family. I was alone & everything I saw wasn’t real. Tried tricking me with everything! Once I left my room to check where my family was..because I was scared, I saw my guardians but they weren’t even real. I could throw stuff through them & once I returned back up to my room everything was ripped & destroyed. Also whenever I’d look in the mirror, no ones reflected would show, but MINE & I saw like a figure of a clown. Anyways I kept hearing things, like voices, clown music & just I don’t know how to explain it good, but it really got me thinking hard about so please respond. Im not sure if they were trying to kill me, but it was really scary. & I’m starting to forget a lot of it. It’s like I couldn’t escape because It wouldn’t stop.
I don’t know why but in my dream I had a third persons view and I was not in my dream Instead I saw a family of four one mother and her 3 children two girls and one boy and they were enjoying themselves on the beach but suddenly the youngest daughter went missing and the whole family started searching for her after few minutes she came back and somehow she persuade her family to follow her to a abandoned cabin were they explore for few minutes and then the whole family went towards the deck which was covered with corpse which was saying random words the little girl pointed towards a corpse which was saying the word ‘head’ again and again and they she told that it was the one that bit her and suddenly her eyes turned white and she was trying to kill her family but I could see what happens to the family I woke up
I had a dream where I was in the shower, and every time I closed my eyes something weird happened. First the water got turned to cold, the curtain opened, a towel was thrown on me. I said please stop and then the demon/ghost or whatever came out from the wall and hovered over me & said “ I curse you in the name of the dev..” I covered my ears and woke up.
Now I feel like someone or something is next to me or hovering. I’ve continuously got chills
Hi, I had a dream of evil spirit which was camouflaged with my house ceiling slowly showing itself, it had a burnt black face with white cloak sort of thing and it was hovering over my niece, I pushed it and saved my niece from getting attacked, I wasn’t scared or anything in dream or after getting up but it was unsettling as it had my little niece involved
I had a dream that my son and myself had to move to a small cold apartment complex because we could not continue to afford the place we were in. We arrived at this grey cramped looking complex parking lot full of strangers, including a dark blue woman with dark clothing and black wavy hair covering her face who was staring at us. We quickly avoided her. Once we got up to the apartment we realized it was much smaller than we thought. The furniture was scarce and dirty. None of our own personal familiar belongings were in there. I was already upset and hating it when someone came up the outside stairs to our front door. It was the dark blue woman with the dark hair trying to get into the door. She was pushing in and I was pushing back. I was scared and I began thinking she was an evil woman and began praying and rebuking her in Jesus’ name. This was an extremely unusual dream for me!
I had a dream last night that is sticking with me. I have a general idea what it was about, but I wanted to share it.
I’m a nutshell, I had a dream (I most always dream its night time) that I was traveling with my family and I came across this woman with a large pet coral snake. She showed me how it did this trick where it would stick its head in her mouth when she opening it. She thought it was cute. But suddenly the snake’s presence changed and it pushed all the way down her throat and went into her stomach. She then spat up white venom and stood there in horror. As he snake churned and moved about it forced her bowls to evacuate all over the place. I ended up calling 911 and they seemed to either not believe me or think that it wasn’t a big deal and took there time to get there to help her.
They never showed up and the snake eventually came back out. But the woman was turning into a husk and the snake smashed her head in before walking away.
The rest of the dream indicated the area we were in, which was suddenly some ruins in a forest, was known to be cursed and I brought the curse home with me. The house we were staying in went nuts and the TVs would keep coming on to play music. Even unplugged they would still try to come on. We then became invaded with these little black skinned demon children with tiny white eyes and wearing shadowed robes. We had to keep all the doors closed and not let them in or they would eat us alive.
At the end of my dream I started praying to God and I ended up casting a barrier spell across the land surrounding us. A green, winding forest emerged and purged all the critters away.
I feel like this dream is feeding on my insecurity in my ability to provide for and protect my family.
Last night I had a dream that I was on a farm with my family and we had a lot of goats but just goats and in the dream everything was ok until I went downstairs and seen a pile of goat skin and there was a book and I read a script out of the book and the pile of fur moved closer every time I looked away but it started to move when I was moving up the stairs like I started to walk up the stairs and it was on the other side of the room and then when I walked up the stairs a bit it was a the bottom and then the middle and by the time I was at the top it was right behind me and then after that i walked outside and I had seen the pile of fur in the distance and then it stood up I personally thought it was the goat man but then I’m the dream they called someone whit knowledge of the supernatural and she said it wasn’t a goat man but it was just a goat and the script I read cause the skin pile to want to try and suffocate me and she said that goats where always able to do this they just needed to provoked and then she also said that there isn’t really a way to get rid of this thing trying to suffocate me and then she said she needed to leave and there was. Nothing else she could do then she left and all the doors in the house where open and the windows meaning this thing to easily get and and suffocate me then I woke up in a panic to look up what it meant then I fell back asleep and the dream continued but I was in a different place like on a street but it was dark still with all my family the. I woke myself up and looked it up and found this page.
Hi. Thanks for leaving the ability for us to comment our dreams.
So basically my dream was that I was at school in a large art classroom, I was hanging around and had no one to sit with, so I sat at a random table with a few girls I knew from other classes. But some knocking on the wall kept catching me off guard, soon enough the knocking escalated and became really loud, I went over to the wall and asked if anyone was there to which a (woman?) Casually started talking to me through the wall. I just figured it was someone in the classroom next door. Until strange things started happening like my teacher of that class was trying to calm down the class so she started knocking on a table but then this unbearingly loud knocking formed on a different table . This freaked out the class and then a male voice started screaming from everywhere in the room always by a wall/ceiling/floor saying things like “you see my hand” and still knocking really loudly it was a really strange experience but it managed to get me to freak out so much and I woke up.
I hope you can decode this for me (: thanks!
I had a dream about a child hanging from a long rope dangling dead from a window of the house next door to me. The child was a toddler and she was dressed like the wicked witch from wizard of Oz.
Hi, my son has had two dreams of his dead great grandma who he has never met. He has only seen her sitting in a black and white picture. The first dream was seeing himself wake up walk to the living room and having her appear and grabbing him on the shoulders and screaming at him in a loud screechy voice with a scary mean and mad face. The second dream was him seeing her walk by in the town that I am originally from while she is looking at him. She stares at him while she is going to church, he hears someone tell her to hurry up. My son didn’t even remember her name. He asked me if her name was the one spoken In his dream, which it was. What could this mean?? He is terrified!
So recently I came back from the army and I have been going through a lot of guilt for getting out with my injuries and feel like i failed, so i feel like the dream is relevant but wanted a second opinion.
The beginning of the dreams foggy for me but I remember we were in reception or so and people I know and I were all excited to get in and they couldn’t stop talking about it, we went to sleep in a room and went to the latrine down the hallway, it was a big room and I remember going down a lot of hallways and room. I felt like I was being watched I think and was nervous but kept the conversation going. The next night I forget the conversation I had but I remember when we went back to the other rooms more people came in and took our room and we had to change rooms to sleep. We went through more rooms that were large and talked some more, most of which I cant recall. The third and final night I went to shower and noticed the people in our room again and ignored them. The girls in our room were laughing and so I thought nothing of it. I got to the shower and one other guy got out so I jumped in and there was a mirror in the shower, for some reason I started dancing and my mirror self messed up and didn’t stick with my movements I laughed at it and said “Ha, got you” it looked at me and gave me a creepy smile and stuck with me after that. But the other guy asked me what happen and I told him the light went out, and I noticed my mirror and something else was in the mirror and I was so scared I jumped out and told the Male I saw something in the mirror. We grabbed our stuff and we ran out of the shower room with our towels and clothes in hand. For some reason we ran down the hallway and ran into a big room that we have never seen and we were mesmerized by it. I woke up shortly after but I think that’s the majority I can remember.
Hi I really need some help I’ve set with nightmares since I was a toddler and I’ve been told something had attached to me. It still haunts me
Just a reminder: We can no longer answer each request, so these comments are open for the reader community to help each other out. Keep the language clean. Be respectful of one another.
Hi Kristen, thanks for commenting. This is an interesting dream, but it’s not paranormal. The 2 men signifies friendships, the mud means some kind of gossip or deception, and the hole means easier times are ahead. A rainy night indicates a warning. Having police around is another form of warning, and the sword in the mud also means danger. Next, a police officer holds a sword and his eyes seem to be glowing. This means it’s a really getting dangerous and some kind of harm could happen. When the boys become naked, their lies are exposed and their possession means they can’t say why they’ve deceived you. Since they bleed from their head and genitals, it symbolizes they’re bad people.
So, it seems like you have some friends that aren’t worth it. It doesn’t mean that they’re male. It could be any friend. If your instincts are telling you there’s something wrong with them, or they’re plans seem rather unsavory, think twice about your friendship.
A few nights ago I had a weird dream. Two guys found a whole in the ground filled with mud on a rainy night. There was a cop car parked by it, and a sword sticking out of the mud. The mud caved in to reveal a doorway down in the ground. The cop was in the doorway holding the sword with bright white eyes. He then chases the two boys. They somehow get possessed and get naked. One was bleeding out of marks on his head, and one was bleeding out of his private parts. I woke up right after that with a bad headache. Just don’t know what it means.
Hi Rawelyn, thanks for commenting. This is a complex dream, but one that’s not paranormal. Whenever you dream about a church, it means a disappointment. An unknown older male symbolizes authority of a father figure. The verses in the song are bit more difficult to interpret. They usually indicate something literal about the words. Houses mean security. Being in a living room with a tv and unseen people means a group is trying to influence you or persuade you to go along with what they want. Doors tend to mean lies, gossip or slander. The girl ghost in a comfort room would mean you should let go of your worries. Going back to your room is another emphasis on security. When something grabs you in a dream, it wants to get your attention. If you have problems speaking or moving, it means you don’t feel safe expressing yourself.
In summary, it sounds like someone or a group in authority is trying to manipulate you or they’re lying to you. You realize this, but hesitate to say anything about it. In this case, your mind is telling you to make your own decisions and it will be the best thing for you. The lyrics in the verse/song you mention would hold the key to the actual problem.
Hi Sarah, thanks for commenting. In most cases, an invisible force means general anxiety, worry or stress. Your home would indicate security and strangers in your house would have something to do with your friends. The dream details are a bit vague, so it’s hard for me to really interpret your dream. It may just be some anxiety or worry about your relationships with your friends. It’s not paranormal, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Hi. Every so often I have a dream that I am being pulled about by an invisible force, which is so strong there is nothing I can do to stop it, although I try. I am always in my home in my dream, and sometimes there are other people in the house although no one witnesses it as they are in other rooms.
Hi David, thanks for commenting. This isn’t a paranormal dream, so you don’t have to worry about it. It means you know a lot about a subject, but you’re too afraid to actually say what you think. You’re hesitating and maybe not as confident as you should be. Since you did walk out of the room, you will develop confidence to speak your mind.
Hi! Thanks for this kind of site where we can share our dreams/ nightmares stories. So, just this morning I had a scary dream. First I remember, I was in a Catholic church with an unknown guy older than me. We are trying to convince the church to change some verses in a song and they did. Then my dream setting turned to a house (not our house), we were on the living room watching tv but I do not know who I am with. But I feel they’re my friends, then as I look at a door, probably a door of a comfort room which is open, I saw a figure of a girl ghost. Then, I started telling myself to ignore it. And the dream setting changed again. This time it was in my own room with the same things on it with the same clothes I am wearing in real life, same bed sheets and pillowcases. It was so scary because I was lying on the bed and something or someone is holding and pulling my hands from my left side. I can feel those are hands of a person but I cannot see it. And I cannot move and I am trying to say something but my mouth was stuttering. I was trying to get off of those hands and trying to say “In the name of Jesus Christ, go away” but I cannot utter those words clearly. It’s like it’s dragging me to somewhere. After moments of trying to get off I finally woke up and I really felt my left hand moved as it was released from the grip on my dream and my heart was beating so fast as I breathe deeply fully shocked and scared.
Hi last night I had a dream. I was in a dark room with a human like creature with no face. It kept handing me books and as i was reading them it would hand me objects. I felt like I could not leave and did not have the ability to speak or think. I did eventually work up the straight to walk out but then I woke up. Little help been bothering me all day. Thanks
Hi Priyanka, thanks for commenting. You don’t have to worry: Your dreams aren’t paranormal. The first dream deals with guilt because something follows you. The dolls just represent your emotions about something you did. When it tries to eat you, it means the guilt is getting the best of you. The second dream deals with a deception, so someone has lied to you. It doesn’t sound like it’s your parents because you’d have different dream symbols. It’s likely a close friend or sibling. Since you’re called by different names in the second part, someone may be trying to put the blame on you (or they will try to do that). It could also be gossip. As for the single knock, don’t worry about it. If you get a few more over the next week or two, then let me know and I’ll give you some tips.
First of all thanks for giving this platform to discuss dreams from last two days whether it’s day or night, whenever I sleep I see something scary, sometimes damn scary!! Last to last night I saw that m with one of my friends n we saw some soft toys n I told her that I want to buy one of those, though I liked a male doll but the shopkeeper suggested to buy the better one which was a female doll that speaks n replies! First I got impressed but after a few minutes, I felt this female doll was too much, she started irritating me, she hugged me n said that she won’t leave me if I won’t purchase, I felt something weird n supernatural n we decided to leave from there, purchasing no one of them. Somehow we managed to escape but as we stepped out from there n as it was night, we hesitated. Then I saw a boy, damn scary, staring just at me badly. I felt it was the same toy that I liked at first n which had taken human shape, though m not sure about it. He kept on staring n I told my friend that he was staring, but when she looked in same direction, she dint not find him staring bcz whenever she looked at him, he bended his head down n whenever I saw he started staring. Oh hell!!! Those scary eyes n dark face, I still can’t forget!!!! Then we decided to stay at the shop’s boundary. For some time, my friend also noticed but then she fell asleep, n that scary boy, sitting at some distance in dark night scared me like anything, he came closer step by step!! I tried my friend to wake up but once she did n tried to shout at him for doing the stuff he was doing but when she reacted he became furious n I was shocked my friend was asleep again n I was unable to wake her up this time though I kept on trying by looking once at my friend n once towards the boy coming near n near. But I failed to wake her up n that scary boy came as close to me as he could doing the same thing, staring n at last he open his mouth in scary way, might be, he was planning to me eat me!! But I woke up before he could eat me!!
Before telling the dream I just saw, I want to tell that from two three days m noticing a super weird knock at my door around 12 AM, though I m not scared of it bcz someone is trying to disturb me. But it is only one knock n very loud n no one around me is observing this n it may be possible that only my door is being knocked, but surprisingly I dint see any dream last night even after knock. Before it I was relating my dreams to this knock that I think remains in my sub conscious but today I slept during day n saw something supernatural again!! It is my own room that I saw n a girl child of 6-7 years was telling that m her mother n my name is Santosh while I have a different name, she tells various other names that don’t relate anywhere in my life n I rebuke her for being liar n ask her to go. For sometime I leave my room n when I come back all the walls of my room r covered with black clothes that seems so scary but I feel relaxed when I don’t find the girl anywhere after checking every corner of my room. But all of a sudden, she comes from behind n taps my back!!! She gives a mysterious smile n makes others to believe her. Everyone starts standing against me bcz they think m liar n m not accepting that “innocent” child who really was not innocent!!
This is how things r going on m unable to relate things….
Hi Caylee, thanks for commenting. Let’s look at each part of your dream. A garage deals with security, and it’s filled with sports equipment and tools. Those usually mean hope. Since the equipment and tools don’t sound broken, there’s nothing wrong with this part of the dream. Now for the unknown girl covered in blood: It usually means bad health is coming or your home life won’t be very happy. When she screams and you see the clown, it indicates there’s bad news coming. With the switch to your house, it tells me that things will turn out fine. Since you never see this vengeance spirit and you successfully warned your parents, it just means you’ve worried about something that isn’t really a problem. You can handle it.
So, this just sounds like you or your family have hit a rough patch for some reason, and you’re worried about it. It’s not paranormal, so don’t worry about ghosts.
I had a dream last night/this morning where I was in a random, huge garage filled with sports equipment and some tools like shovels and stuff. There was a girl who I didn’t know covered in blood and I knew I had to save her. She started screaming and I turned around and there was this clown. It flickered like a light and then I knew it was a ghost so I grabbed some large tool made out of iron to slow it down. Then the girl was gone and the ghost clown was covered in blood. I never hit it or anything. Then suddenly I was in my house, running up the stairs to warn my parents about the vengeful spirit coming to kill us. I never saw it again but had a strong feeling that it was getting closer and I started screaming and tears were streaming down my face. Then I woke up, kind of freaked out but mostly just thinking “wtf?” I want to add that I’m not afraid of clowns at all and never have been, and I’m not exactly afraid of ghosts either so I have absolutely no clue why I was so terrified at the end of my dream.
Hi Aya, thanks for commenting. These are the dream meanings: Having your mother possessed by a demon means sadness and betrayal. Your father represents authority and stability. The contract means a legal problem. Since your sister doesn’t appear, it means you think you’ve caused the problem between your parents. It’s not a paranormal dream, and it sounds like your parents have some problems to work out.
Hi it’s the first time take a dee seriously but yet I dreamed of my own mom turns into or gets controlled be demonic activity and the whole house turn black she makes everyone afraid and escape while she agrees to leave me Alone or is to take my dad away with a written contact I was crying badly and hugging him in the dream before I leave then I wake up crying but the thing is my sister never appears in the dream plz reply ..
Hi Karim, thanks for commenting. I’ll start with the second dream. It may seem like the more terrifying dream, but it’s a dream caused by anxiety, stress or worry. It’s not paranormal. It would mean there’s a big change in your life. This actually seems like a dream you’d have either when someone goes into high school or graduates from high school. In some cases, it’s because you and your family may disagree about where you want to go to college or what you’ll study. The souls, specifically, being eaten deal with sacrificing what you want to do to appease your family. The ghost is actually your own mind fighting the changes. It’s not paranormal, so you don’t have to worry about ghosts or spirits.
The first dream is definitely about family, but there’s something wrong. When you have your cousin and brother together, it means there’s a split that’s happening or about to happen. Having your mother in your dream and seeing other family members doesn’t indicate anything bad or good, but the wedding isn’t good news. It means bitterness. This is amplified because the father isn’t the real father and wearing clothes not associated with him means difficulty and tension. The family difficulties continue because they don’t recognize you even though some stop to talk to you and hug you. There could also be some kind of betrayal because you uncle says you gave him the flu and it happens abruptly. So, all these means there seems to be some family drama going. You’re not really sure what causes it, but you feel pulled into it.
I’m not sure if both of these dreams are related or not. The dream about the kid ghost means you’re in control of the situation, but the wedding one indicates the family issues are out of your control. I’m not sure how to help you from here. You may want to ask someone else to help clarify things for you.
Hi Christina, thanks for commenting. I’ve changed the STD dream description to make it more neutral.
Let’s take it element-by-element with your dream: Trash and poop both mean some kind of social scandal or unfavorable personal drama. Invisible people with clothes mean people you should ask for advice. Since they wear hoodies and it masks their faces, it means people you wouldn’t normally talk to on a daily basis, but they’re willing to help. A dead baby signifies a disappointment. The new baby would indicate new friendships or relationships.
For the switch in the dream to the gems: Gems means something positive is coming in your love life or business. Since it leads to becoming a king, it means you will rise above your competition. But, any time something is hidden and there’s broken teeth, it indicates something very embarrassing will become known. Since the things keep coming out of the trash/crap mix, it just means your brain’s still trying to resolve the problem.
This is a complex dream, but it’s likely driven by guilt, either with past or current relationships. It may only get solved by exposing a secret. And that secret will probably hurt a few people. Once it’s out, then the situation will resolve itself. But it could take a long time to heal emotional wounds.
Ok, this is hard to describe so bear with me. I was in this weird place in which everything was pretty much made of trash and poop. I was in someone’s home and all of the “people” inside were made of empty clothes that moved in a way that made you think there were maybe wires inside the clothes that animated them. Every one of them were wearing hoodies that were pulled down so you couldn’t tell what was in them but the darkness. They were having an argument about a dead baby and what baby would replace it. For some reason these things scared me more than anything else I’ve ever seen in a dream. Then it switched to this new area where possession of these gems determined who was the king or something. These certain things were constantly searching for the gems so people had started somehow putting the gems under their teeth so these things would come along and wrap something around all the back teeth and as they pulled it tight the teeth would break and pop out, I could hear it happening and it sounded like popcorn popping, revealing the gems. No matter where people tried to hide them, inside their bodies was a common hiding spot, these things would rip The people apart until they found the gems.The area kept being buried in this trash-poop mix and the things would always somehow be able to dig their way up to continue the search.
I have a bit of an issue with the STD dream description, the way it’s worded now makes it seem like there is some standard definition of slutty. So maybe it could be adjusted to say ‘they feel they’ve been acting too slutty”? I know it’s dumb and anal retentive but slut shaming is unfortunately something us girls always have to contend with.
I just woke up from this very weird drem I don’t know if it’s a nightmare but When I woke up i was feeling very bad, anxious and sweaty. The dreams is divided to two parts which I guess are not related to each others it starts very normaly i’m having time with my cousin as we’re spending the night at somebody’s place and my brother is her too just discussing. Then we slept and when I woke up i went with my mom to some relatives house and it’s their daughter wedding day. As we work in event planning and decoration so we were checking what they did and thought that it looks very cheap and not organized.
But her father didn’t look like what he actually is in real life he was a totally different person and he was wearing all in flashy pink and asking us what do we think about his clothes. (I know I described all the details but I guess they might be important since I saw them in the dream and even thought about them)
Then people starts coming and we were not invited and don’t know what we were doing there so we were about to leave when other relatives started hugging us and talking to us. Then my uncle told me that I’m the one responsible of his flew because i was sick and slept at his place the night before.
Here’s the first part.
Now the second part we’re in the car my mom, my brother and I, it’s dark outside and we’re on the road there’s a little boy playing with other kids on the road and he lays down in the middle of the road and don’t want to move so my mom who’s driving continue and get on top of him when we pass i look back and see that he’s still alive but he has blood everywhere and his friends are carrying him.
The road then is full of kids from different ages.
We arrive at some point where there’s a girl standing on a side and a young man on the other and he doesn’t want us to pass. He looks ghosty and his skin is kind of blue. He puts his hand of the glass of the car and stops us with some black power and even if we’re accelerating we can’t move. Then he enter the car like smog or fog and he’s now very small. He can fly and wants to take our souls. I can see the soul of my brother tripped inside his stomach when he absorbs it and then my mother’s. I try to kill him and i was feeling bones even felt his teeth when i was fighting with him. I ripped his skin and cracked his bones and threw them outside the car. But he’s back like before and was still fighting to get our souls. He even got mine and i smashed him over and over and he kept coming back. I didn’t understand what he was saying everytime and this is how I woke up.
So i googled it to see if anyone else had the same nightmare and what does it means and found this website. Hope to find the meaning of this dream. Thank you
And is one of the rare time i get a nightmare!
Hi Peta. Thanks for commenting. Skulls represent domestic problems, usually arguing. The unknown girl means domestic trouble, too. The threats to kill and torture indicate false friends causing some trouble. The bones protruding from the girl means treachery or a betrayal. So, it seems like she’s having problems with a close friend or within the family. It sounds like someone may bully her: Someone she thought was a friend. It could also mean a sibling or cousin does it as well. This dream isn’t paranormal, so don’t worry about that.
My daughter had a dream last night about a skull that was brought into a house she was staying, she does not know who the girl is. The girl explained that the skull was taunting her & it chose people who sees it’s real face, my daughter was looking at the skull then it showed itself to her & started saying that it was kill the people closest to her (everyone she loved) then torcher her. The skull was screaming which all the people who she curently lives with could hear it along with the girl who brought it but was not a problem or concern to them. She made the girl leave with the skull but when the girl got to the carport she decided she couldn’t deal with it anymore & spashed it against the cement smashing the jaw. In doing this the girls jaw smashed at the same time & protruded bone out of her skin to which the girl looked at my daughter in horror. The skull reformed & formed the rest of it’s body then said it was coming after my daughter & pinned her down. She then woke but the dream was very vivid & seemed very real.
Hi Tay. Thanks for commenting. I want you to get a second opinion on this because this dream has a few interpretations. But, I think it’s paranormal. It’s not a demon, so don’t worry about that. This could be a banshee or a prophetic dream. In both cases, it’s a warning. I don’t really know what kind of warning it is. Usually, it deals with accidents or illnesses. Prophetic dreams for accidents are usually very clear, so this may be a sudden illness.
It could also indicate a dark secret is about to be exposed. In another case, it could just be some serious anxiety dealing with someone very close to you. Since you mention a combination of female/male, it could be a couple.
Again, this dream has a few meanings, so I’d ask you to talk to someone in your area. They can help you examine your current life situation (home, health, family, etc). That will help come to a better conclusion.
Hi.. I don’t know how much you can help but I need to get this out. I’ve been having a lot of dreams lately, not the same recurring dreams but the same figure recurring in them. Each dream is different, but she always finds a way to show up. She’s fully red and bald with pitch black eyes and a robe. She appears out of no where and screams the name of a girl everytime. Once she gets close she also takes off her black robe, showing female clothing underneath. She could be a male, I don’t really know but I’ve decided she’s a female. I’ve also claimed her to be a demon due to her sudden appearances and disappearances out of thin air, her fully red body, and her piercing screams. This time in my dream I was in my bedroom with someone, showing them something but all the sudden I catch a glimpse of the woman making her way upstairs and turning down the hallway. I immediately get up and slam the door shut. But, she forces it open and I end up fighting her with an umbrella my friend tossed to me. I fight her by pushing her away with it, frighten her by hitting it off the side railing and the walls as she makes her way down the stairs screaming “Brenda”. She wanders into the den, then comes out and goes into the bathroom and stands inside while repeatingly slamming the door shut and throwing it open while screaming that name (End of dream). She has been appearing in every dream of mine and it’s causing me stress and anxiety, I no longer want to go to sleep so it’s causing an obvious effect to my sleeping pattern. What’s even scarier to me is, in dreams, especially when you’re in somewhere where you’re familiar you can’t really imagine it clearly and there’s always things that are different, but in the dream I had just now (that’s why I can remember it so clearly, just had it) that took place in my house, everything was the same. There wasn’t one thing wrong with how it appeared and almost made me feel like I had woken up and was in real life. Overall, it was so realistic to the point where it scared me, it’s never happened before.
Hi Katie. Thanks for commenting. This sounds like a dream about guilt. It’s very general in nature. The basement and bag would indicate something being exposed. The ghosts in it represent anxiety or worry. Since the contents were emptied, it seems like a secret is about to come out. Again, this is a general dream and it could have many interpretations. However, it’s not paranormal.
Hi I had a dream that I was looking over / down into o room/ basement and I threw a sheet or plastic sheet down onto what I thought was an empty space but a persons was under the sheet staring up at me , also the same night I dreamt my bag was up on a ceiling fan and it was like someone was up there emptying out the contents
Hi Nachy. Thanks for commenting. Neither of the dreams is paranormal, so don’t be worried about them. The first dream, about the front door opening, deals with a potential change to your domestic life’s stability. It’s usually anxiety because a change will come soon or it has started. The change doesn’t seem to be bad. The second dream, about yelling at your partner about the kitchen light, means things will turn out just fine. The bathroom means good luck, the kitchen means stability, the kitchen light is a positive sign. The thing coming up the stairs just means there’s a change to come. Finally, the dream with someone standing over the crib is another anxiety dream. It’s common to new mothers and those with children under 3 years-old. Thanks for reading!
I had two dreams in the same night. The first dream was of me in the kitchen and i heard the front door open with a key but there was no one there but the door continued to open like something was coming in……. i rushed to the living room and called for my daughter a few times, then i woke up.
I told my partner about this dream as i remembered it. I then went back to sleep as it was 2am in the morning.
The second dream, I wanted to go to the toilet but I was telling off my partner for leaving the kitchen light on and told him to go to his flat as i was getting annoyed with him…….so I went downstairs and turned the kitchen light off. I was nervous as i remembered the dream i had prior(which was strange as this was still a dream) I rushed back up the stairs and went into the bathroom. I came out and something was coming up the stairs (i couldnt see it but i knew it was there) i tried to leave the bathroom but it was blocking me from returning to my bedroom. I called for my partner by calling his name and saying help me. He heard me calling for him in my sleep and woke me up. He said he woke up on the 2nd/3rd attempt.
Also a few days before this dream, i dreamt of someone standing over my childs crib. Unlike my other two dreams i was not scared…..i just went back to sleep.
Hi gang. I caught up on interpretations, so I have opened Comments again. Same rules apply as before: Please don’t put any identifiable info in your comment; we won’t reply in public to dreams that could embarrass you.
Hi Dorian. Thanks for detailing your dream. Let’s dissect the parts of your dream: Houses mean safety. Friends, who are strangers, indicate a sickness or distress. A ghost in a dream is part of your psyche. Anger actually means happiness in dreams. A saber/sword means an achievement. Basements mean losing an opportunity. The knife/sword fight means overcoming an obstacle. The house with the moss-covered fountain and clear water indicate a peaceful, new beginning and maturity.
So, what does it all mean? This is an integration dream. As we mature, we wrestle with the less savory sides of our personalities. In your case, it seems like your brain has come to self acceptance and you’ve recently matured as a person. This one is all psychological. You’re in a better mental state now. This isn’t paranormal.
Hi Mike. Thanks for commenting. Your dream isn’t paranormal. It means you’re worried about your finances. The alarm is literal in dreams, so there’s a warning. The car means an investment. Bathrooms mean good or bad luck. Banging sounds are another form of alarm. The figure is you. Becoming mute or pulled against your will in a dream means you’re powerless. When I read about a dream like this, it usually goes along with buyer’s remorse about a house, car, or something really expensive. Since you had it in childhood, this dream could just be caused by anxiety and worry.
Hi gang. Thanks for all the comments, but I can’t keep up with them! If you have a paranormal dream, please use the Contact Us form to submit it and I’ll respond in a day or two.
There are also other good resources for dream interpretation. I have a couple of books I use quite a bit:
My favorite website to use for all kinds of dreams is:
Dreampedia.org – a search engine for over 50,000 dream symbols
I had a strange dream last night: I was in a house with a group of friends, none of which I know in reality. I knew the house we were in was haunted by some sort of ghost or spectre. This ghost was decidedly malicious, and would prey on most people, but I knew it was afraid of me, for some reason. When I told my friends about the ghost, they all started to get scared and panic. The ghost’s presence was almost tangible; thick, hanging in the air. It didn’t scare me, though, it just made me angry, and I quickly became frustrated with its presence as it started to deliberately frighten my friends and make them leave the house. Suddenly, a magical sabre which I knew could affect the ghost somehow appeared in my hand, and I went down into the basement, where I knew it would be hiding to confront it. The next part is strange, because I remember having some dialogue with the ghost when it appeared before me, but I can’t recall at all what was said by either side. Whatever it was, it was very serious, and I told the ghost I would kill it. It posessed or animated a silver knife, moonlight shining off its blade, and came at me. I parried and struck at the knife, and after a few solid strikes, knocked it to the ground. I’d severely damaged the knife at this point, but it floated back up off the ground, weeping, and floated around some shelving, around a corner, to escape me. I went to pursue it, and I woke up. Everything in the house was so warped and surreal, strange colors and statues everywhere. I remember there being a large stone fountain in the living room, covered in moss, like it had been outside for years, flowing with the clearest water imaginable. It smelled like rainwater. Anyway, thank you for reading. I’m excited to see what your interpretation of this is.
I had a dream last night I have not had since I was little. At first it seemed normal then the alarm on my car went off in my dream I was facing out the door of the bedroom I see a figure loudly run up the stairs and into the bathroom I try to shout and nothing comes out and my body drags towards it as if I’m being pulled then I wake up. I used to have exactly the same in my house as a child always the bathroom and a figure runnimg and loud bangs up the stairs and I can’t move or talk and something pulls me in
Hi Catalina. Thanks for telling us about your dream. The dreams you detailed may be something supernatural. Now, don’t panic. You’re more powerful than you may realize. Most people can’t break free from these entities and you did. You will always be able to fight them off unless you become ill (physically, mentally, psychically or spiritually).
I would recommend continuing to take care of yourself and to practice protection techniques. As long as the entities know you’re not an easy meal, they’ll leave you alone. From time-to-time, they may try to ‘nibble’ on you, but just focus on breaking free and using protection techniques, and they’ll leave.
Here are some protection articles to check out:
I had a repetitive dream about being held, once I saw a guy with this evil look hugging me from behind, so tight I couldn’t move, and he was telling me he got me and he will never let me go.
After a while I struggled and this guy disappeared. I had this dream a year ago.
Now I had another similar dream, I was in a bed trying to sleep, I guess my grandma was with me, then she got up and left the room, that was completely dark, and the I felt someone climbing on the bed behind me and hugging me, I knew this “thing” was evil, I was petrified and unable to move, then I felt his/her hand on my shoulder, and I touched it with my hand and felt it bumpy, rough with long nails…it was disgusting and scary at the same time. Like the other dreams, I could let go of this presence after a while.
I have to say that I felt threatened when these presences were holding me
Does this have a meaning?
Hi George. Thanks for commenting. This dream could have two meanings, health or business. Depending our your current life situation, you or someone in your family may become ill or recently became very sick, but the symptoms were always obvious. Now, it’s becoming a problem and it may be too late for them to fully recover.
In business, the girl represents a good opportunity, but something has spoiled it, because she didn’t make it to shore and dies. The captain, who’s the father, represents wise counsel and good intentions. The mist means trouble is brewing. The ocean means opportunities. The ship blocking the wraith means unfortunate business circumstances. The wraith means disappointment.
To me, the business version means you may have recently entered in a business or invested in one, but you have your doubts about its success, or something will come up in the economic environment, and it doesn’t pan out. You have an inkling this is true because the wraith actually represents your own thoughts about it.
In my dream just now, I dreamt of a young girl. Around 7 years old, dressed in a white gown with blonde hair. The setting is in the 1700’s. She asked her father, who is a captain, to take her to sea. It’s a huge ship like you see in pirate movies. The father obliges and takes her out to the ocean. The mists close in and the night turns into a white light. A woman on a single roe boat appears on the horizon. Blonde hair, white gown, older than the little girl. She smiles and then turns into a wraith. Veins over her white skin, white eyes, and a rotted mouth as she screams and glides towards the ship. The father tells the girl to jump ship and swim to the nearby land while he steers the ship to block the ghost from the little girl. The little girl almost makes it but the wraith grabs her bare leg and she pulls herself out of the water. The girl screams, turns pale white and then drops dead. Eyes closed.
Then I wake up…
Hi Sheena. Thanks for commenting. The ghost, chase, gun, bedroom, knife and spell are the core elements of your dream. The ghost is your conscience. The chase is anxiety, worry or fear. The gun means financial dealing. The bedroom means secrets. The spell (which failed) means deception. The knife means freedom. So, this makes me think you feel guilty about something to do with money or a loan. There’s also elements of secrets and deception involved, so maybe you weren’t completely honest on the application or you could just be worried you won’t be able to pay it back. This dream isn’t paranormal and you have complete control over this situation.
Hey, do i had a dream last night – i was with 2 other people- male and female (that i couldn’t recognise) and the place was old and antient in a way and the walls were decorated with vines. And then this ghost appears out of no where, sge had long blackish-grey hair, she was wearing a white outfit and had bloodshot red eyes. She looked at me and i felt like i was going through a trans where she showed me fear ( can’t remember the actual imagery). When i was brought back to the moment the guy i was with haf disappeared and the ghost went back to chasing the girl and me. Turns out whrn the girl i was with was trying to kill the ghost with a coat holder tge guy returns and tells us that to kill the ghost a special spell has to be chanted. At this point we rush from the first floor to the ground floor, the ghost is following us but now she is a blue flame and we enter a room that is small but modern and there is a bed. The ghost is sitting at the end and right next to her is the female playing something on the ipad. On the other hand right next to the is the guy and he is looking at the mirror and all of a sudden is shows me the gun and starts shooting the ghost but its of no use. Everthing becomes fast paced and and all of a sudden i have a knife and i stab the ghost and the last words she says are “you forgot to chant the spell,” with a smirk and all of a sudden i wake up.
Hi Kitty Cat. Dolls represent innocence. A church means the need for guidance. A priest, especially one with negative connotations, symbolizes a family member or friend who’s too over-protective. When the doll kills the priest, it means you want to have your freedom. So, this all means you have your life path to pursue, and you’re tired of getting grief for wanting to follow your own desired life. It’s not paranormal.
Hi TVD. Don’t worry. This dream isn’t paranormal. It means you don’t like to feel dependent on your mother or family. Your son actually represents you. The ghost/spirit is part of your psyche. When the ghost throws things, it means you don’t have control over your life.If you can’t yell for help, then your brain is still trying to figure out what to do next.
Hi Misty. Thanks for asking. Don’t worry about your dream: It’s not supernatural. Demon dreams mean you may some issues with anxiety. The fog represents the unknown. It’s another sign of anxiety. Usually, people dream of fog when they approach a big life event or change. Recurring dreams mean your brain hasn’t sorted out what to do, so it replays the dream until it does. And when you get up at the same time, it probably deals with your sleep pattern and how your brain works on the dream. If it’s 4-6 hours after you went to bed, that would be normal.
Feeling a bit creeped about my dream… Dreamed I was living with my mom again and started being… bothered I guess, by a spirit. It kept picking things up, then started throwing things and then started trying to pick up my son, Then it got to a point where if I put him down he’d be gone from the area I put him down, sit him next to me, he’d then be up on the bed and I hadn’t even realized he moved. Then we started seeing its shadow walking through the hallway. I screamed for my mom and then a black figure of a person rushed at me. I kept trying to yell in my dream but It was like my vocals were restricted, only got out whispers. I just kept holding my son really tight and trying to not look at it. Then I woke up. …. help!
me dream over and over. im taking a bunch of dolls we have in our storage including a big one the size of a 8 year old. its the same thing over and over some times i have bad dreams and i just remember her in them. nothing else. last night i couldnt sleep thanks to the dream i was talking about, im taking a bunch of dolls into a church and when i get there the priest asks whats in my duffle bags when i show him them and ask him to clean them the big blonde one called susie is picked up first. the priest says something about i see their plan now panicks and sayys they will need help. all of a sudden he drops her as if she was on fire . she stands and reaches out her hand he starts to flot and pull at his neck everyine freaks out and starts praying,, but she kills him anyway next she turns to me and i just say hi i remember talking to her as a kid but dont think that susie is possesed what could be causing the dream? i just want it to stop so i can sleep. i had it three times last night and only had about a moana movie of sleep.
I have had the same dream for several months. In the dream I am fighting a demon that is trying to possess me. I am praying to GOD, revoking the evil and demanding it to leave. I always wake up afraid and thankful it was a dream. I also keep waking up EVERY night between 3-445am. This started a short time before the dreams but around the same time. I just had a dream 2 nights ago of a ghost trying to talk to me and there was a “mist” or a fog and In the fog was my mothers name.. Can anyone make any sense out of this?
Hi Sara. Thanks for your dream scenario. It sounds like you have a psychic vampire nibbling on you. You’re not the only person it’s going after, and it sounds like the psychic vampire knows it has these energy draining abilities. You may know who it is. With a sex connotation, it means you have a relationship (could be an acquaintance) Here’s a link to an article you can use to protect yourself: https://www.ghostlyactivities.com/dealing-psychic-vampires/
The dream started out normal. My sister and I were picking up our little sister from school. The building looked old and it wasn’t my sisters real school, it was some place I’ve never been to in class real life. It was made of bricks. We went into our sister’s classroom. There was a TA and teacher there. The TA was a weird lady but not scary. We never picked up our sister. I didn’t see her but she was in that classroom. My sister and I left. We walked down the long empty hallway. We go down the elevator. Things looked normal. Finally we get to the first floor and it is painted with so many oddities. All kinds of strange people were walking by. It looked like an underground black market. The walls were filthy and the floors as well. We are trying to leave. For some reason we find ourselves on the top floor in a small room with a staircase, an entrance, and an exit. My sister goes through the exit. I’m on the staircase feeling abandoned and hopeless. I see a janitor peek through the entance. He saw me and then locked the door. I’m left alone again. As I begin to make my way upstairs something bites me with small sharp teeth. It is a naked vampire lady who wants to have sex with me. I am not interested.
Real life: I wake up, not afraid but thinking WTF. I go back to sleep.
Dream world: I’m back in that damn building!!! I’m locked up again but I’m looking through a door with a window. A vampire lady and a tough vampire man are fighting. He seems nice. She kills him. I have to choose which vampire will be in my room. I say the guy because he’s dead and seemed nicer. He instantly stands beside me. My room is crowded with all of the people he killed. They are ghosts. One of them is an astronaut. The suit looks from the 70’s.
I go to this place where I see all kinds of people saying how it’s normal that building is bursting with supernatural activity at night. And how they hurry to leave the building before its dark. They even joke about it!!! :/ I remember going back to the first floor when it was night and there was no one and it was pitch black.
Hi Alan. Thanks for commenting. Dreams about your own death can have a couple of meanings, but it generally deals with relationships. The most common means you need a fresh start with a relationship. That could be a family member, friend or job. You mentioned different ways you died, so that adds some details about what kind of relationship. Blood usually means family. Car accidents has an emotional link, so this would bolster a family member. The murderer usually means a part of yourself needs to figuratively die so you can grow. In my opinion, you may have a bad relationship with your father or other male member in your family, because female relationships would have other dream symbols. As for your childhood dream, it’s general anxiety or fear. Neither dream scenarios is paranormal.
Hey. I have been having recurrent dreams of my own death but each time, it’s in a different manner. sometimes I see blood, sometimes I see a car accident and sometimes I see a murderer but there’s no face to that fihure. As a kid too, I used to see figures trying to crawl into my bed or just trying to kill me.
Think it might mean something else?
Hi Claire. This actually sounds like a spirit linked to your house has attached to you. In some cases, the ghost may not understand what’s happening, so it finds someone it could relate to when it was alive. In time, it should figure what’s happened and move on. Try to get your house’s history. You may find out an older house on the property (may be it was torn down) was linked to that period of time. That would explain why the ghost came to you.
Hi Fluffinix. This dream is all about you. It seems negative emotions are taking a toll on your mental health. The woman represents you. The cat deals with some paranoia. Since the cat left, it’s something you can handle. The doll represents your family. This makes me think they me be intrusive into your private life and you just need some space. The little girl is your innocence, which may have been challenged since it jumped out of a window. It left, so you may have learned something about your family, friends or yourself, and it caused you to lose trust in them. Since the closet door keeps opening and closing, it means the issues mentioned earlier happen often. The chase part of your dream is general anxiety. Going out a window just means you’re moving on, but the cuts to your limbs mean it’s going to be emotionally challenging. Since everyone escaped, it symbolizes your psyche coming together and the deaths just mean that those parts of your mind are coming together, making you a whole person. The ghosts/demons are just symbols for negative parts of your psyche. If you become more in control of your anxiety triggers, these dreams should fade away.
Hi Fluffinix. Thanks for commenting. This dream means you’re being forced to confront your fear or your anxiety. That’s because you keep getting put into situations in your dream where you have to deal with it. Since you wrote your friends were involved, they could be helping you deal with it. They and the zombies could also mean your own psyche is forcing you to tackle it.
Hi Amber. Thanks for commenting. This dream means you’re not being honest with yourself about something. It could be to yourself, your friends or your family. Each ghost and demon represents your emotions, mainly guilt. You may not realize it because you couldn’t wake up in your dream. Your prayers mean you’re trying to get help, but you don’t know how to ask for it. That’s why I think you’re not aware of the issue deep down inside your psyche.
I had a dream that I was trapped in a house(unfamiliar one) and at every door, a ghost or demon kept trying to get in. I kept calling the Lord’s name and reciting the Lord’s Prayer too. The scariest part for me was that I knew I was dreaming and everytime I ‘woke’, I didn’t. I even screamed to try and get help.
I also had another dream where me and 3 other people (my friend and 2 Youtubers??) anyways, we went into ths haunted house sort of thing and there were tunnels inside we could slide down. I am scared of tight places, and the slides/tunnels were just thick enough for us to fit through. After we went down tunnels, in one of the rooms we got into, there were zombie-like people. They had purge masks on, but they acted a lot like zombies by chasing us and grabbing our legs while we tried to go up a tunnel to escape the room. I ALMOST died. In another part, we had to fit through a tight space. It was like a hole in a wall and we had to crawl through it. I was scared to crawl through it and I had a feeling outside of the nightmare. It is the feeling I feel when I try to cope with my anxiety. What do my two nightmares mean?
So I had a very scary dream about random people I have never seen before. They were all trapped in a room (I think they were is a masion of some sort) and they were all encountered with very paranormal things. In one part of my dream, a woman was hiding in a closet with a cat and she was petting it to stay calm but she opened the door to look out but the cat ran away and she old it to come back but it shook its head and ran off. After that, she closed the closet again and when she opened again to look out a doll (a ragdoll) was in front of it and she tried to close the doors but the doll kept openeing them and it was saying things to her and its mounth was moving very creepily and it was scary. Later in the dream, there was a girl in the room that looked like a ghost and she had gray skin that was cracked like an old ceramic doll, except she was about the height of an 8 year old. It talked to the woman in the room and then it jumped out the window and disappeared. I didn’t see what the other people in my dream went through, only the same woman. The dream was like they were being chased in some points. But at the end of the dream, the woman broke out through the window and cut her legs and arms up. She wasn’t physically hurt by the ghosts and dolls ad everything, but she was panicking. Everyone else also escaped and 2 of them were throwing up blood and collapsed. One of them had their stomach cut open. They were hurt physically by the ghosts/dolls/demons/whatever haunted their room. The woman was the ONLY survivor. I woke up extremely scared. I felt dizzy (I have a thing called derealization) but it must have scared me bad because i only feel that way when i have an exreme amount of anxiety.
My friend keeps seeing ghosts in real life and this is the 3rd time I drept about a boy that looked like he was a slave in our garage and everywhere I went, he stalked me. I always looked somewhere and I saw his head looking at me from someone a few yards away from me. Whenever I looked at him, he ran away. My last dream, I took my dad down to the basement and there was the boy hiding behind this table on its side. He said he saw it but he didn’t at the same time. He said he felt it and that made him see it. Then my dream went to his point of view and I saw this static outlining of the same boy that I kept seeing. I felt my dad feeling this energy that was comforting, but nervous and scared, like the ghost boy was a good energy but was very frightened. I always went down to the basement in my dream to see if he was there, and he was, cowering in the corner. It seemed like he was always there when he was not stalking me. I felt safe, but I always got scared when I saw his face looking at me intently but scaredly. I felt like he was messaging me in my dream that he liked me because every when I was changing, he was still looking at me. I don’t know what it means.
The boy looked like my age and he was black with ripped old fashioned clothes. He looked like a slave that excaped
Hi Angela. You don’t have anything to worry about. This isn’t a paranormal dream. Anxiety is causing it. Your dream has some key symbols to note. Ghosts in dreams are a part of your mind, not real ghosts. Ghosts usually represent anxiety, stress, guilt or grief. Your bed represents a safe place. Since it breaks apart and flies at you like shrapnel, it means that your sense of security or control is lost. Flying would indicated a hope that got dashed. The heat is probably a clue that you’re under stress about a situation, relationship, or it’s just telling you to take caution in your personal life. The smothering feeling is stress, and you don’t think you can do everything you’ve taken on. Since you can still move, it isn’t an old hag. To me, it sounds like you should take it easy, only work on tasks or projects you can manage, maybe fix a relationship (at work or home), and reclaim some of your personal time. I hope this helps!
I keep having dreams about ghosts in my apartment. The last one I had was that I was dreaming about laying there sleeping and something woke me up out of a dead sleep. I got out of bed and when I turned around my bed was floating in the air. I closed my eyes and when I opened them my bed was in pieces and floating and rotating in the air and then they all came flying at me like shrapnel. I woke up and had such a sense of dread and fear. Then I had a feeling of something that was right on top of me. I could move, but still frightened. I felt a lot of heat near my head. I did get up and try and shake off the feeling. I eventually did. But I keep having dreams of paranormal activity in my home. I just find it strange… please, any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
Hi Riley. Thanks for commenting. I’d like to know more about your experience with the white figure, like the time of day, where it formed, if things moved, how you felt, etc. As for the dark figure in your dreams, it doesn’t mean it’s a ghost. Dark figures in dreams represent a part of yourself.
What happens if you see a white figure in your house and then dream about a black figure attacking you? That happened to me last night.
Hi Mel, thanks for commenting. I’m going to respond to this with an email.
In my dream, my son and I walked into a sort of day care center place, but for everyone, not just children, it was “movie dark”, as in, the lights were off, but you could still see everything. As a couple of the lights switched on, i went to show my son the kids toys, and there was a bike that started to lift off the ground. I said, “pants, it’s a haunted place”. As I said that, I felt an unseen entity try taking my son out my arms. The place was empty when we walked in, but by this time, the rooms were starting to fill up with “guests”….kids and adults that were obviously dead, but had physical bodies…so I took my son to the front door to leave with him, and the front doors shut and locked, and this boiler type thing started making noises. I had no choice but to head back into the building, but as i did, i heard hissing, i turned round and the pipe had gas escaping (could see the air warp where the pipe end was), so i put my son down and told him not to go anywhere (by this point, the front doors were shut and locked and the entrance doors (which had windows in) shut and locked, but also now had all the kids and adults there watching). I put my son next to the front doors, so they couldn’t get him.I went to grab the pipe to put it back in the nozzle socket, and it started spontaneously spouting flames (but sounded like a blowtorch). I had to try and figure something out on the boiler thing to stop it, kinda like syringe type objects that i had to sort out in the correct way for it to stop…which i got right the second time (funny thing, i only got it right the second time the first time i had this dream a few years back too, however, the first dream, I had my nephew with me for some reason)….at this point my son threw something out his room which made a loud bang and woke me up. I’m stuck on how to research the meaning to this.
Hi Catalina. Thanks for asking. This dream sounds like it deals with guilt or it could be your friend isn’t being authentic about herself. The entity is part of her subconscious, but not a negative or harmful part of her personality. It may be a situation in the past that she got over, but parts of it still linger in her mind. That’s why I think it deals with guilt. These are fairly common dream entities. That, or she just watched ‘The Grudge’ movie :).
A friend of mine is having a recurring dream with an entity that looks like a white skin humanoid with black eyes, silky and long black hair. She said she sees it in different dreams, this entity appears, stares at her but does nothing. She doesn’t feel threatened, only when this being crawls the ceiling, which is very unsettling.
Does it have any meaning? Is it common?
Hi Jane. Thanks for replying. To me, this dream could be paranormal. You mentioned vampires, which means energy vampires in most cases. The house represents your physical safety, and the human servants mean you don’t know who the vamps are OR the energy vampires don’t know they are vampires. The strangers are different parts of your psyche. So, in summary, you may be under attack by energy vampires; these people don’t know they’re vampires; and, your defenses are holding, but they could fail.
You may be open to supernatural attacks because of witchcraft, but I doubt it’s the Tarot cards. Anyone with psychic gifts could be at risk, too. I have a post about psychic vampires and protecting yourself from energy draining. I’ll list them below for you. Also, try to pick up a copy of the Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Belanger. It has a lot of tips on dealing with psychic vamps, too.
I also dabble in witchcraft and read tarots, I’ve seen ghosts and supernatural entities since I was 7. Could this have something to do with it?
my dreams aren’t exactly nightmares as I’ve been having the same dream for a few years, not much changed except the setting and people. I have only had one other dream and after that I had multiple supernatural encounters. My dream is me and 3 strangers trapped in a house (that i don’t know) surrounded by vampires that can’t get in, I’m searching the house trying to find one of the strangers so we can all stay together, even though the vampires can’t get in they have human servants that can and are trying to drive us outside. Then everything goes black. I have the same dream over and over it rarely changed massively.
This Helped So Much, Whenever I Have A Dream I’m Coming Here !
Thanks !!
– Deja
Hi Abhinav. Thanks for commenting. This dream is about guilt: It’s not paranormal. There’s something troubling you in the present and your mind isn’t sure how to handle it. The ghost represents your subconscious. It’s not a real ghost.
In a dream i saw a ghost and when i chased then he turned himself in cat After that only his head falling from terrace then i shot him