Paranormal Protection with Iron and Silver
People have used iron and silver to ward off paranormal entities for centuries. Why do these metals keep paranormal beings and entities away? Do they always work to protect you?
Let’s find out.
Using Iron Against Paranormal Entities
People have used iron to protect against witches, evil spirits and faeries. No one has conclusively proven that ‘cold iron’ protects you: It’s really historic folklore that tells us about its protection abilities.
Usually, you need iron ore or cast iron. Other versions of iron don’t have the purity required to work against paranormal beings. You normally need to place iron by doors and windows, like the horseshoe above the main entrance, to keep the bad guys away. In other cases, you can take an iron amulet and put it under the steps of the main entrance to your house. Notice, the recurring theme: It goes on, or near, a main entrance. It could be the front door, back door or large windows. If it’s big enough for you to walk through it, then it’s easy for a spirit to come through it.
There are a few other protective uses for iron. Place iron hooks, a scythe or shears by a barn entrance to protect your livestock. To protect an infant, folklore tells us to put iron scissors next to the crib to keep faeries away. You can also carry iron nails in your pocket to protect yourself while traveling.
To attract a spirit, some hunters have used iron chains as a trigger object per Anglo-Saxon legend (remember them from history class?).
So, I’ve waited to talk about this next bit of info: Iron doesn’t keep ghosts away. There are many instances where a house has had iron above its main entrance and it’s still very haunted. And, that’s a good thing for us ghost hunters!
Silver and Its Protective Properties
Silver is a curious metal. Much like iron, we know it works well against paranormal and mystical beings, but we don’t know why. Some claim that silver is linked to the moon, which powers the Otherworld of spirits and the paranormal. I don’t necessarily buy that explanation. I think it may deal with the purity of the metal and its ability to enhance everyone’s psychic strength.
So, silver has been known to drive away many types of paranormal critters and enchantments:
- vampires
- werewolves
- boogeymen
- hexes
- witches
It also keeps the undead at bay. Many coffins had silver nails hammered into them to keep the newly dead from rising. From what I’ve read in many occult books, silver is better than iron when it comes to protecting your home. You can place an amulet or jewelry near a main entrance and it will keep the spirits away.
And, just like iron, silver doesn’t work against ghosts.
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23 thoughts on “Paranormal Protection with Iron and Silver”
if silver and pure iron doesn’t work then what does ?
Hi Anton, thanks for commenting. You can use all sorts of stones and herbs to keep ghosts away. You can read more here:
So does steel work against ghosts?
Hi Carl, thanks for commenting. Steel won’t work against ghosts. It’s better to use herbs, stones and salt against them.
a friend of mines sister is having nails dropped around the house. She said they are like normal metal hardware nails. any ideas what this might mean or if it is evil
Hi Austin, thanks for commenting. I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s probably a natural reason for it. It would take a lot of energy for a ghost to drop nails around the house. If there is one present, the nail would be part of its message, and it would have some sort of significance to you.
If it keeps happening, then try to find where they came from. A ghost can’t make them appear out of thin air: It took them from some place in the house. And that place would tell you about the ghost’s message.
Pure iron bangle protect me from ghosts , demons and my aura
If you have paranormal activity then you must wear pure iron bangle on your right hand minimum 350 grams . then watch your aura
Hi Abdul, thanks for the info!
Have you ever worked with demons? What might offer possible protection against Demons?
Hi Bryan, thanks for commenting. I wrote this article about clearing demons: Getting Rid of Demons back in 2013. It may help. I’m not an expert in demons or demonology, just your standard ghosts and hauntings, so please get a second opinion.
What about mu-metal
Hi Mindy, thanks for commenting. I found an article that suggests that mu metal would actually increase the chance a ghost may manifest … because it’s a hallucination. Here’s the article for you. http://www.assap.ac.uk/newsite/articles/Magnetic%20ghosts.html
Sometimes saying in the name of jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost I demand you to depart works.
So are u saying any iron works. Or do I have to buy a specific kind
There’s no proof that having iron will keep a ghost away. Your belief in a protective object like a horseshoe is more important than iron’s purity.
Helo which is better protection for evil spirit and witchcraft gold or silver. Tnx!
Hi Alan, thanks for commenting. I’d go with silver, but it won’t work in every case. Try some herbs or stones in those situations.
If a house is haunted and it has had iron around the entries doesn’t mean iron doesn’t do anything. The haunting itself could well be tied to the interior of the house and possibly been there a lot longer than the iron altogether. So it would seem the exterior placed iron is no use as it has no effect on the haunting.. Iron in pure form (ore or wrought i.e. no composites) does contain/repel ghosts very effectively, silver is even better. Obviously one would want to start with light duty (and less costly) measures like sage and intent as going into heavy metals use in most cases is overkill and not needed.
Hi. Thanks for commenting. The article states iron and silver isn’t effective and to use other methods for ghostly protection.
Helo again. I have fire agate, black tourmaline stone and crystal bracelet combination of black obsidian bronzite and tourmailated quartz . Are these enough to protect me from ghost, demon and witches because im a victim of black magic. Thank you.
The guy Abdul Moeed who wrote about wearing 350 gm. Of iron bangles.
What happens to your aura? And can you wear iron bracelets ? Or just Iron Bangles?
I am having problems with a spirit attachment, I have tried to get rid of it and nothing has worked, I have been told it’s a demon, so I want to try the iron bangles and I hope it works.
Does wearing steel stop spirit attachments from sucking on your energy?
Hi Patricia, thanks for commenting. I don’t think steel will protect you. I’d go with a stone like onyx or obsidian. Those stones are known for their paranormal protection.