Working On Older Posts Returned To Ghostly …
Hi gang! I returned about 80 posts to Ghostly Activities yesterday. These are posts like ghost stories and ghostly profiles that date from February 2013 – May 2019.
The Influence of Spiritualism on Ghost Hunting
Beginning with the Spiritualist movement in the 19th century, the belief in communication with the spirits of the dead has significantly shaped the way Americans approach paranormal investigations. From the rise of séances and spirit photography to the modern use of scientific equipment, the legacy of spiritualism continues to permeate the field of ghost…
10 Things I’ve Learned About Ghost Hunting
16 years is a long time to spend your money and time on anything. In this article, Jake drops some wisdom and regrets from his ghost hunting career (if you can have a career in ghost hunting that is). Get the scoop after the jump.
Why I Stopped Doing Residential Paranormal Investigations
I stopped doing private home investigations a few years back. I’ve had a few too many bad experiences, and here are the reasons why I pass on residential ghost hunts. Get the scoop after the jump.
Ghostly Activities Answers HiggyPop’s Paranormal TV Show Survey
British paranormal news site,, asked readers to respond to a dozen or so questions about paranormal reality TV shows. Read my responses (or don’t if you’re a demonologist) after the jump.