Ghost Hunting Gadget Haul
Hi gang! It was time to update the ghost hunting gadget arsenal. In 2024, I want to focus on environmental changes when ghosts manifest. To do that, I got a series of gadgets made to do that.
Para4ce Collection
NEM Master detects static electricity build up. This indicates charged particles are surging, which means some ghostly shenanigans could happen soon. Next, the Shadow Master measures ambient light to alert you to some kind of shadowy movement. I really hate it when you see a shadow figure but you don’t capture it on film. Hopefully, this gadget will help indicate something’s in the dark corner of the room. Finally, the UMD measures ultrasounds, which are sounds outside your normal hearing range. Ultrasound may also explain why people think something is watching them.
Air Ion Counter
The air ion counter should make up for a deficiency with the NEM Master: It can count particles. I’d like to see a direct relationship between the NEM Master alerting me to environmental changes with the increase in particles in the area. Also, I can pair this with the EDI+ because temperature and humidity can change the number of particles in an area.
SLS Deluxe
I gotta say, this version of the SLS Kinect is so much more practical than the last version. While I’m not a fan of the 3D printed body, it far easier to setup and use. The tablet is much better than the previous version, too. I’ll use this in January 2024 at Fort Worden, Washington.
Once I have a few ghost hunts with these gadgets completed, I’ll write up some reviews.
I also have a few more gadgets coming before Christmas. I’ll drop a surprise post with those soon. One has me very excited.
Note: Jake bought these gadgets with his own money, so there’s no expectation of a positive review for the manufacturer.
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