A Spooky Trip to New Orleans
Ghostly Activities member, Amy, went to New Orleans for the holidays, and she found some spookiness to explore. Get the ghostly shenanigans after the jump.
Ghostly Activities member, Amy, went to New Orleans for the holidays, and she found some spookiness to explore. Get the ghostly shenanigans after the jump.
Hi gang! The newest ghosty show from Our Haunted Heritage is available on YouTube now. It follows the team as they investigate Barkerville, a very haunted gold rush town in British Columbia. They caught so much evidence. Watch the doc after the jump.
Hi gang! I haven’t written a list a New Year’s resolutions since 2019 or something like that, but why not give it another go. Get the list after the jump.
Last night, Jake from Ghostly Activities, interviewed Mike Merle (of Spaced Out Radio & The Paranormal Roadtrippers) about his collection of haunted objects, his spooky encounters, and how someone acquires these creepy tchotchkes. Plus, check out his death photos after the jump.
This just happened: Some kind of critter clawed at my dogs from behind a chain link fence. And I have no idea what that monster is. Get the scoop after the jump.
This Christmas, tell some spooky stories just like the Victorians did back in the day. I’ve got 3 creepy stories (in audio format to boot) for you just after the jump.
Ghostly Activities Club member, Amy, continues to test Clara. This time, she took the haunted doll on a road trip to see Christmas lights. Check out their conversation after the jump.