Astral Projection and Ghosts
When we think of ghosts, we think about the spirits of the dead returning to haunt the living. However, there could be another reason for that haunting: It could be someone using astral projection.
When we think of ghosts, we think about the spirits of the dead returning to haunt the living. However, there could be another reason for that haunting: It could be someone using astral projection.
Sometimes, ghosts become twisted into an evil version of themselves. These buggers are called specters, and there’s nothing good about them. When you run into a specter, use protection techniques and call in the professionals.
The Ghostly Activities Duo investigated the RMS Queen Mary in Long Beach, California on Sunday, August 31st. We had access to 5 haunted areas, deep inside the ship. This is what we found.
Colorado Street Bridge, more infamously known as Suicide Bridge, has been the spot of more than 150 deaths. The most recent happened in May 2014. We got some startling visual evidence on the top of the bridge.
This is a tale from my third or fourth ghost hunt in 2007. I received a request to investigate a haunting at an old farm house in Grant County, Wisconsin. The family wanted to sell their property and move away. What came next scared the hell out of me.
We’ve meant to do this for a while now: We sat down to go through all the ghost hunting and paranormal questions we’ve been asked by our blog visitors. Then, we wrote the (unfiltered) answers to them. Let’s take a look at the most frequently asked questions.
Automatic writing can be a very effective way to communicate with ghosts. But, it’s the riskiest of all methods. You open your mind and body to ghosts and spirits. You have to be very careful when using automatic writing. Let’s learn more about it after the jump.
Scrying has been used for centuries to communicate with spirits and tell the future. Times have changed and scrying has, too. Learn to use crystal balls, mirrors and water to communicate with ghosts after the jump.
Rune casting isn’t your typical way to communicate with ghosts and spirits. Ouija and Tarot cards are far more popular, but runes have one advantage over them–your brain.
Ghost hunters tend to use electronic gizmos and gadgets to speak to ghosts. In our case, we use Spirit Boxes and digital voice recorders during our EVP sessions. Let’s look into using these devices to get real-time EVP on your ghost hunts.