Roles in a Ghost Hunting Team
I’ll be honest: We’re a duo. So, we have to do more than one job. When we go on an investigation, we call a friend with an area of specialty we don’t have. For most investigations, it’s just the two of us.
We’ve added more details about some the team positions below. If it’s a link, then you’ll find a more robust description. Ideally, your team will have 4-6 people, who might share a couple of positions.
Core Investigation Team
Lead Investigator – The person with the most experience. He/She will make the decisions on the investigation plan and the final call on group membership.
Investigator – An experienced ghost hunter that’s firmly involved in the investigation planning.
Investigator Trainee – A member who’s still learning the job. Usually, trainees try many of the positions listed below to find their niche.
Case Manager – A very valuable member of team who does initial research, qualifies ghost hunting leads and coordinates the investigation. He/She may or may not be a resource to the public or media.
Equipment Manager – He/She trains the investigators on equipment use and handling.
Evidence Analyst – He/She evaluates the evidence. For large teams, you may have a few analysts with an area of specialty by the equipment type like EVP.
Researcher – This may or may not be the case manager. They research the history of the haunting and may or may not interview witnesses. They get the haunting background, simply put.
Additional Team Members
Demonologist – They’re hard to find, but they deal with possible demonic hauntings.
Occultist – They know all about the Occult (witchcraft, paganism, divination, spiritualism, etc. It’s a broad area to cover).
Psychic/Sensitive/Medium – A person with a connection to the afterlife. This role is open to debate since it essentially overrides measurement by the equipment.
Cryptozoologist – A person who knows all about the creatures of the unknown (think Big Foot, werewolves, etc.).
UFOlogist – A person with knowledge of aliens, spacecraft and aerial phenomena. A similar role is the USOlogist, who deals with underwater phenomena.
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