Spirit Loci: Where Evil Spirits Visit
A spirit locus can be a location or an object. You may find it hard to tell if it’s a haunted site or object. But, the type of haunting entity gives it away.
What is a Spirit Locus?
A spirit locus is a place or object with weak protection from the spirit realm. Most places and things in our material plane have insulation against the spirit realm. After all, we live in the material plane of our reality and that is a strong wall to break.
Spirits live in an ethereal plane, or interdimensional pocket world, with very different rules. When they find an opening to our world, they use a spirit locus (plural form: loci) to enter.
You can tell where one is by the extreme feelings and sensations it creates. You feel sick to your stomach, your hair stands on end, and you get a dry mouth. A sense of dread also accompanies it. Psi-sensitive people will feel these symptoms more than your average joe.
Spirits have different ghostly activities. They generally have more intense cold spot and hot spot generation. They never form apparitions. Spirits may have telekinetic abilities, so they seem to be poltergeists. Like a poltergeist, they can physically harm you.
A spirit locus can be an object, like jewelry, or a place, like a basement. More on this a bit later.
How Do Spirit Loci Form?
People create spirit loci. This is more than your average residual haunting: People do incredibly evil things to other humans and puncture the wall between worlds. It can be a single event, like a murder, or evil actions that take place over a longer time, a torture chamber. Like I said, it’s human evil that creates the locus.
Spirits want to feed on negative energy and a locus has a lot of it. They don’t go far from the locus. If it’s an object, like a ring, they spirits can and will follow it. If it’s a place, they stay confined to the area.
How Big Are Spirit Loci?
Usually, the locus is small. It could be an object like a knife or ring. It may even be the size of a bedroom. They are never bigger than that. In other words, a battlefield is not a locus. Jack the Ripper’s razor could be one (just an example – I don’t know if it’s a locus). Hanging trees are well-known loci.
What Kind of Entities Visit Spirit Loci?
It’s not human ghosts. These are spirits from other realms. They’ve never been human, so they don’t have human feelings or conscience. They don’t have a moral compass to guide them. These are spirits from realms we don’t understand. They could be dangerous.
Demons may also visit, but it would need an occult link. If the spot used human sacrifice, then a demon may visit.
You may think it’s a demonic haunting. Those hauntings have different characteristics. We covered demonic hauntings earlier.
How Do You Destroy Spirit Loci?
It’s not a straightforward process. Destruction doesn’t always work (and get permission – in writing – from the owner before you do it). You have to break the negative energy luring the spirits to the area. You could try to generate positive energy in the area to break the bond. That would take an overwhelming surge of happiness and joy. Usually, love doesn’t work because it has a dark side, possessive love. Very few people have destroyed a spirit locus.
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