The Richfield Technique | A Ghost Hunting Experiment
Learn how to use the Richfield Technique to engage with spirits. It’s a modern-take on scrying, a common Spiritualist practice. Get the steps after the jump.
How To Use The Richfield Technique
The Richfield Technique is based on scrying, a Spiritualist practice where the investigator goes into a meditative state while looking into a mirror or reflective surface. That surface then shows the person visions or the spirit itself appears.
With the Richfield Technique, ghost-hunting tech is used to gather additional information from the spirit. Usually, it’s ‘yes/no’ response, environmental changes, or even ITC communication. For Our Haunted Heritage and Ghostly Activities, we use a spirit candle for simple ‘yes/no’ responses or to confirm answers with the ghost.
You can read more about using scrying on ghost hunts on this blog. Michael Morin and Anthony Germain developed the technique during an investigation at the Richfield Courthouse in Barkerville, BC, Canada. I’m developing the steps to share with you, our readers. Happy Ghost Hunting!
Richfield Technique Steps

Step 1: Obtain a reflective surface
Any reflective surface will do, but we find mirrors to work best. If you can, use a mirror that has always been in the haunted place. You could also bring your own mirror to conduct the experiment in a haunted hotspot.
Step 2: Relax until you enter a meditative state
Relax and open your mind until the surrounding area becomes a bit fuzzy. You may find yourself susceptible to suggestions, as if someone hypnotized you. So, make sure you do Step 4.
Step 3: Look into the reflective surface
At this point, you can gaze into the mirror or other reflective surface. You may already start to see shadowy figures or images from the past. Don’t get started just yet, because …
Step 4: Set your boundaries with the spirit
You have to set your boundaries. Not every spirit was human, so they may not follow earthly rules for engagement. Say exactly what your limits are. This could mean ‘no touching,’ ‘leave when commanded,’ or ‘stay within the mirror.’
Step 5: Say how you want the spirit to use your gadgets
We like to use gadgets for interactions. Our favorite gadgets reflect the time period of the suspected spirit. In the video example, we used a Spirit Candle for that reason. In this case, our questions focused on confirmation questions. Those are the simplest ones to ask for a response.
You could also say things like speak through the radio for a spirit box, or tap on the black box for an Onvoy Ghost Box. Just keep the rules simple.
Step 6: Focus on the reflective surface and begin
At this point, it’s time to ask your well-researched questions.
Step 7: Ending the Richfield Technique
Closing the experiment is similar to other Spiritualist practices. Thank the spirits. Tell them to stay in the haunted location, and close any spiritual doorways you may have opened.
Addition guidelines
We have a few additional guidelines we follow, but you don’t have to follow them.
- Limit the experiment to 30 minutes (ghosts can get tired or expend their energy)
- Have a fallback device ready to try (not every ghost knows how to tap a gadget or speak through a spirit box)
- Ask questions a ghost from its time period would know how to answer (I wouldn’t ask a ghost about Teslas when cars didn’t exist in 1870, for example)
- Other than than, keep it light, respectful and engaging for you, your team, and the ghosts!
Note: Ghostly Activities, Our Haunted Heritage and The Paranormal Roadtrippers bought all the gadgets in this article with their own money, so there’s no expectation of a good review for the manufacturer.
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