Using Tarot Cards to Communicate with Ghosts
This post covers how you can speak to ghosts and spirits with tarot cards. You’ll get my very personal approach to ghost communication.
Tarot cards are a great way to communicate with spirits. It’s because they open up your intuition, so you become receptive to the ghost’s or spirit’s message.
The 4 Tarot Card Rules

Now, sometimes, tarot card communication can be risky. It depends on how you ask the spirits to interact with you. You can use these simple rules to lower the risk:
- Never allow the spirit to enter your mind
- Tell the spirit it may only guide your hand to the right card
- Tell the spirits that you have the power to end the session when you want
- Tell it exactly how you want it to communicate or confirm a card
This what those four rules mean:
#1 Never allow the spirit to enter your mind
You can forbid the spirit or ghost from sending psychic messages. When you use your intuition, you open up your mind to the universe and your natural defense barriers come down. A bad spirit could plant something in your mind. If you tell it to use physical means of communication, you really lower the risk of something bad happening, like nightmares or strange visions. You can also get some protective charms and stones to help protect you. My favorite stones are Tiger’s Eye, Hematite and Obsidian.
#2 Tell the spirit to guide your hand
This is something like using a Ouija board because you feel pressure moving your hand. After you spread the cards, ask the spirit or ghost to lead your hand to the card. Let them know that they can only move your hand or press down on it when you get to the right card. You might feel a cool touch when your hand’s over the card. Sometimes, a spirit wants to attach to you and take some energy.
#3 Tell the spirit you have the power to end the session
This means you can send the spirit away any time you want during the tarot card reading. Spirits and ghosts both know that the living are the real masters of our plane of existence. If you have a strong will, you can force them out. Most spirits and ghosts want to communicate, so they will follow your rules. Unruly spirits may not want to go, so it’s important you have confidence in your abilities, or they won’t leave you alone.
#4 Tell the spirits or ghosts how they can communicate with you
You can tell them how you want to confirm an answer. Usually, I use a candle as the answering tool because most ghosts died before we had all the gizmos we do now. A ghost will only understand technology they knew in life. I usually tell it to cause the candle to flicker or blow it out. You could also tell it to tap your EMF meter once for ‘yes’ and twice for ‘no.’
Preparing Your Tarot Card Session

First, it helps to know what the cards mean. That’s just common sense. If you need to learn them, it’s okay to bring a book with you, but I would look up their meaning after the session. Spirit communication tires out ghosts. It takes a lot of energy to talk to you through the cards.
Next, pick out the spread you want to use. I usually use a 3-card or 5-card spread, not the Celtic Cross. The 3-card spread is used for ‘Yes/No’ type questions. The 5-card spread is also a ‘Yes/No’ type spread, but the last two cards offer more information about the situation.
I avoid the Celtic Cross because it’s more for divination, or seeing farther into the future. Ghosts can’t predict the future. They only know their own lives. Now, certain spirits can tell the future, but usually the Celtic Cross pulls information from the Divine (God, Angels and Saints). It’s a really different communication spread.
The third part of your tarot session is research. It’s very helpful to have a good idea of the ghost at the site. You’re going to ask a lot of ‘Yes/No’ questions, so you need to focus the questions. In my experience, the ghost or spirit may get tired and leave after the fifth question. Be focused on what you want to know.
Starting the Tarot Card Communication Session

At this point, I usually say a protection prayer and put on my protective charms or trinkets, like my Tiger’s Eye bracelet. Then, I do the White Light Energy protection technique (You can never have too much protection!). I use the Rider-Waite deck because it’s well documented, so you can find a lot of information about its symbols and meanings.
It’s time to get started on your session, so clear your cards of any energy from past use. I usually visualize white-light energy surrounding my cards and then I wave my hand over them like I’m wiping away dirt. I do this 3 or 4 times.
Then, I set out the communication tool. It could be the candle I mentioned or an EMF meter. I also set out my digital voice recorder because I use these sessions as an EVP session, too. If you don’t feel the spirit moving your hand, you could pick up its voice on the digital recorder.
Okay, it’s time to get comfortable because this could take a while to get activity.
Now, I ask the spirits or ghosts to enter the area. Then, I give the four ground rules I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Don’t forget to tell the ghost how to confirm an answer by using the candle or tapping that funny-looking EMF meter.
The waiting game starts at this point. Just relax and open yourself to the experience.
You’ll know when the spirit arrives. I feel a cool touch on my shoulder, a pressure on my forehead, or the hair on my neck will stand up.
You want to shuffle your cards and ask the ghost or spirit to help you answer some questions about them. Ghosts were people once, so they’re happy to talk about themselves!
Okay, go ahead and ask your questions and tell the spirit to move your hands to the 3 or 5 cards for the spread. Place the cards in the order you pulled them and flip the over.
The symbols in the card should help identify the spirit or give you some clues about their life. This is where you knowledge of the cards is critical. If you don’t know what they mean, you won’t be able to decipher the clues. I think this is why the EVP part of the session is so important. The spirit could be speaking to you and the digital recorder will pick it up.
Now you need to confirm the symbols in the cards as spirit identifiers. This is where your research helps. As you look at the cards, see what symbols relate to your research. For example, say your research indicates the spirit may have been a female writer from the 1800s. If the ghost is her, then your cards may have a lot of feminine symbols, like a literal woman, flowers or water. When you look at the numbers on the cards (in roman numerals), it may have the year she died in them.
If you do have a lot of symbols that relate to the suspected ghost, go ahead and ask if the spirit is the person you researched. Then ask it to cause the candle to flicker or tap the EMF meter to confirm.
Now, there’s no guarantee the ghost or spirit really is the person you researched. You can pull a nearby spirit to your reading. If it’s not, go ahead and write down the symbols in the cards and research other people who may have lived or worked at the haunted site.
Most tarot card sessions only last 30 minutes once the spirit arrives. This is hard work for the ghost, so it could run out of energy and dissipate. That’s ok. You can always come back and do another session. I usually like to run four or five sessions before I confirm the ghost. You don’t always make a connection during your sessions. Be patient.
Ending the Tarot Card Communication Session

Once you’ve finished your questions, it’s time to clean up. I thank the spirits for coming and communicating with me. Then, I say the session has ended and it’s time for them to break off their connections. Now, I use the white-light energy technique to clear myself of any ghostly connections and I say a little protection prayer. As I pack up my equipment, I cleanse my tarot cards and thank our client.
When you get home, you want to upload the audio files from your digital recorder. I like to check my notes and the card symbols for further research. It may take a few days to find the card meanings and analyze the audio data. Don’t put it off because your client may be waiting anxiously for the details of the analysis.
What’s next?
In my next post, I’ll tell you about using a Ouija board to communicate with ghosts. The four rules from this post will apply, but Ouija boards need some extra precautions.
Thanks for reading GhostlyActivities.com!
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3 thoughts on “Using Tarot Cards to Communicate with Ghosts”
Many thanks or your knowledge and advice. I look forward to using the during my ghost hunting and mediumship. Yours faithfully Craig W T Jarvis…
Could you use your phone to record the session or is it not that reliable?
Hi Jess, yes you could use your phone to record, but I think you need to process it through Audacity to reduce background noise.