Ghostly Mists and Ghost Hunting
We’ve all seen it: The fog that hugs a person haunted by a spirit, a loved one or something else. Now, mists can indicate the presence of the supernatural. It’s also likely to be someone’s breath. Here’s how to interpret a ghostly mist in your pictures.
About Ghostly Mists

Ghostly mists, also called ecto-mists, have a long history in paranormal research. You’ve seen the thick gel/slime stuff coming out of a spiritualist’s mouth before. Those were fakes. Ectoplasm, like on Ghostbusters, simply doesn’t exist.
However, a fog that gently surrounds a suspected haunt could be something. Ecto-mist is a ghost in an unusual manifestation. It’s not strong enough to form an orb or apparition, so it looks like a fog. You don’t see these with the naked eye. You find them in photos taken during an investigation. They can look like a heavy fog or a fine mist. Dense fog versions are close to forming a ghost light or apparition.
Why? In most cases, they don’t have the energy to pull themselves together as a ghost light or apparition. You can help by using EMF pods to generate an electromagnetic charge for them.
Some people say ghostly mists have facial characteristics when closely examined. I’d say that’s hit or miss. If the facial features are in proportion and it looks like a human face, then you may have something. Otherwise, it’s probably a matrix
Ecto-mists can happen at any time of the day. They’re just as likely to appear during the day as they are at night. They also follow the same color patterns as orbs. Most are white, but they can appear as gray, pale blue, light green, light red or pink.
You may want to check for mists in areas where known apparitions or ghost lights appear. There’s a connection. The place may be a ghost portal and this helps the weaker ghosts manifest as mists. Unlike the orbs and apparitions you find, ecto-mists tend to linger for more than a few minutes and they can grow.
They can also appear anywhere. It could be a cemetery, the woods, a brand new apartment building. Ghosts don’t really understand the current world, so they hold on to the site. That’s why you can find them in places you wouldn’t expect. Don’t forget, ghosts may be attached to a person, so the place doesn’t matter.
Ghost Hunting Tips
When you investigate, take these things into account:
- If it’s cool or cold, the mist is likely your breath or it belongs to a member of your ghost hunting team
- If you smoke on an investigation, you have to discredit all mists you collect
If you collect evidence of a mist, but you match the 2 points listed above, your evidence will always, always get debunked by skeptics. Be on your best game.
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One thought on “Ghostly Mists and Ghost Hunting”
I was looking up “large mist ball” because I actually saw one, one morning while having a cup of coffee in bed. I have a large wall of windows that looks out to the countryside. My windows are about 8 feet off the ground and this cloud was moving from about 15 feet away (when I first noticed it) towards the corner window, It did move pretty fast, it was totally self contained and about 3-4′ in diameter. It was swirly on the edges, but seemed pretty dense in the middle. Oh, and it was white. The craziest thing is that my cat saw it and ran over and hopped on the back of a the chair by the window where it seemed to disappear below, to get a better look I’m assuming. I just sat there and watched it in disbelief. after it seemed to disappear into the wall, I ran over to that location and it was gone. There was no fog or frost that day. It was just a bright, clear fall morning. I’ve seen things, but this was by far the strangest and the fact that my cat obviously saw it too, makes it even more real to me. I’m usually alone in my experiences so I never have personal validation of what I saw. So, people do see these, or at least one cat and person has.