Haunted Expedition | Delphi Pioneer Cemetery in Olympia, WA
On January 22, 2021, Ghostly Activities visited Delphi Pioneer Cemetery to explore a possible haunting. Get the scoop after the jump.
On January 22, 2021, Ghostly Activities visited Delphi Pioneer Cemetery to explore a possible haunting. Get the scoop after the jump.
Sage, a popular herb, can protect from bad energy, negative spirits and black magic. But most people don’t use it enough or in combination with other plants to do the job right. Get more after the jump.
Jason Hawes, of Ghost Hunters & Ghost Nation fame, hosts a new series, which depicts ghostly encounters at some of the most haunted places on earth. Get the review after the jump.
In October 2020, Amy Bruni, of Kindred Spirits and Ghost Hunters fame, released a memoir about her life as a paranormal investigator. It covers 13 lessons she’s learned over the years and tells tales of some ghostly encounters. Get the review after the jump.
Ghost hunting has had to adapt to the recent pandemic. Access to sites and homes has become more difficult or stopped. To get your ghost hunting fix, you’ve got to stay home, connect online, and sleuth from your computer screen. Get arm chair investigating tips after the jump.
On October 23, 2020, Ghostly Activities investigated reports of a touchy spirit in the Urban Farmgirl Market. The store lies in the former Wilson Hotel. Get the report after the jump.
Many people have dreams with supernatural elements to them. Ghosts are a common one. But it doesn’t mean what you think. Get more on ghosts in dreams after the jump.
Ghost hunting isn’t a very lucrative career path. For the most part, investigators don’t charge for their services. And, hey, you gotta get paid to make a living. But there are few things you can do to make money in the paranormal. Get the scoop after the jump.
Be careful with that antique jewelry you buy at estate sales or inherit: It could have a malevolent spirit attached. And it wants to take over your body. Get more after the jump.
Haunted mines are excavations with the spirits of miners who perished in a disaster. Most disasters are quick: They kill the miners so fast, they don’t realize they died. It infuses the mine with their life force and creates a haunting. Get more after the jump.