Review | Ghost Bait
Ghost Bait follows researchers, Bob Magill and Tina Storer, as they help people deal with paranormal activity. They teach people how to face their fears and take back control from the spirits. Get our review after the jump.
Ghost Bait Background
Ghost Bait follows Bob Magill and Tina Storer as they help victims overcome their fear, triggered by paranormal encounters. In each episode, they use aversion therapy to guide people through a fearful state and defeat the entity haunting them.
This is a re-boot of a series from 2013. The premise remains the same, but a new cast member, Tina Storer, helps Magill now.
Bob Magill
Magill originated the show as a web series in 2011. Then it moved to a cable channel in 2013. He’s known for his TV production company, Evolution Industries. Magill seems knowledgable about ghosts and paranormal investigations.
To be honest, I really didn’t find much about his investigations and techniques outside the show.
You can read more with Bob Magill on Whatever Inspires, Monsters & Critics and Haunt Jaunt.
Tina Storer
Storer seems new to paranormal investigations, but she has appeared on a paranormal TV series before. She was a cast member on Paranormal Challenge, from Zak Bagans.
According to Travel Channel’s description, Storer is an empathic investigator. This means she could detect spirits through an emotional connection. Other than this information, there is little in her background to suggest she’s a long-time paranormal researcher.
Episode Structure
Like many paranormal shows, there are 5 elements:
- Background about the haunt
- Interviews with witnesses and recreations of events
- Sweep of the area to diagnose the haunting
- Fear experiments/treatment
- Conclusion or follow-up
Each episode is 30 minutes long, so each element has to be concise. That means the producers only show what’s needed to understand the haunting context.
During interviews, there may be a re-creation of a tragic event, or witnesses’ evidence may be shown. Interviews can happen throughout the first half of each episode.
The longest parts include a sweep, or basic investigation and evidence collection, and the fear experiments/tests.
The sweeps have Magill and Storer look for clues to the haunting. This is where the gadgets come out and Storer uses her empathic abilities. They may bring in an expert to help them better understand the activity.
The fear experiments happen halfway through the episode and run 10 minutes of air time. The conclusions or follow-ups seemed rushed in the first 2 episodes (see below for more about the experiments and conclusions).
Episode “Agnes”
The very first episode took place at a well-known haunt, The Brookdale Lodge, near Santa Cruz, California. Ghost Adventures filmed here in 2012.
In this episode, Agnes, a house cleaner, reports getting bullied by a spirit. Magill and Storer find evidence to suggest that Agnes is the target of Judge Logan, the malevolent spirit. But, it may be other ghosts of people who died at the lodge.
Storer seemed uncomfortable using the equipment. Also, she didn’t use her empathic abilities. It reminded me of Elizabeth Saint during the first few episodes of Ghosts of Shepherdstown.
Magill was fine in the episode. He explained a lot of theories about ghosts and why they manifest. He’s not a very expressive guy in this episode. I’d say he’s the opposite of Zak Bagans, who reacts to activity in a cartoonish way.
Anyway, Agnes overcame her fear after a few dramatic starts-and-stops during the experiments.
Episode “Jason & Nina”
This episode takes place at a private residence in Pennsylvania. At first, it seems like a poltergeist haunting, until evidence reveals the true cause, demonic entities. At least, that’s what the demonologist, Violet Black, says.
Jake’s Rambling: Okay, I had major problems with the information given by the demonologist. She claimed that ghosts only move 3 oz. Demons are actually fear entities. Then said they were parasitic entities. Also, demons use broadband, wifi and other electronic signals to access homes. I’ve been doing this a while and never have I ever read or encountered anything like this. I went back to all my demon books, 10 in all. And there was nothing like these claims in them. My search for “Violet Black Demonologist” didn’t return any results, other than a reference on Wikipedia to a lady from 1881.
During the fear experiments, Tina flees the room after an entity breathes on her. The therapy failed in this case, but Black helped the couple use sage to expel the entities.
Storer, to her credit, did seem more engaged during this case. I’d say she had more emphasis than Magill in the episode.
Paranormal Gadgets and Experiments
Ghost Hunting Gadgets Used
For gadgets, the pair used all the standard fare on their sweeps. We had uses of thermal imaging, Mel meters, ghost boxes, SLS Kinect cameras, REM pods, but no digital audio recorders. That seemed a bit odd for a ghost show.
Unfortunately, not all gadgets were used correctly. I caught Storer saying the EMF spiked, when her Mel 8704-R read a steady 0.4mG. The alert was triggered by a temperature change in her other meter. It shifted from 68 degrees to 64 degrees. In the same episode (“Agnes”), Magill captured a spirit on the SLS Kinect camera. He held the device incorrectly, so it created false positives.
In the “Jason and Nina” episode, Storer sat on the bed with a ghost box. It captured responses that matched her questions, and it was clearly stated. That’s kinda interesting information, even though spirit boxes are often inaccurate.
In their defense, they don’t call themselves paranormal investigators or ghost hunters. They’re coaches who help people overcome their fear of ghosts and spirits.
But, if you want to be taken seriously by the real ghost hunters, you have to up your game and techniques on national TV.
Fear Experiments
The show’s premise focuses on using fear to help people overcome their ghostly fears. It’s called aversion therapy. There was some conflicting information about the therapy used. Some sources, including Travel Channel, had immersion therapy and sensory deprivation as techniques. The experiments didn’t really meet those conditions.
Anyway, the victims had to wear the world’s largest, scariest scarecrow mask. Then, they confront the spirit that terrorizes them. In another room, Magill and Storer encourage them to ‘take back control.’ Of course, drama ensues, people have meltdowns, but they fight back with 2 minutes to spare.
I don’t know any paranormal researchers who’d take this approach. I don’t even think a practicing psychiatrist would use this, either.
It was kinda fun to watch, in a “I can’t look away but this really makes me uncomfortable like I’m watching Hostel” way.
Ghostly Activities’ Take
I try to find the positive in each show. Really, I do. I watch a lot of them, but this one makes me cringe. First, the experiments seem downright cruel. I also doubt the credibility of Storer as an investigator. This show seems contrived, like the network needed something sensational to fill Kindred Spirits’ slot. So, they went to the production pit to scrape something out. And don’t get me started on the demonologist, who I can’t even find online to check credentials.
In this case, I’d say go to YouTube and watch some episodes of Haunt.Me instead.
Ghost Bait airs on Travel Channel, every Thursday at 7 PM Pacific. Indigo Films LLC is the production company.
Feature image: Retrieved from http://danafaletti.blogspot.com/2016/02/interview-with-bob-magill-creator-and.html on April 4, 2019. Copyright of Indigo Films.
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28 thoughts on “Review | Ghost Bait”
I love many of the paranormal shows on Travel Channel, but this one is a bummer. I hope Travel Channel has really good mental health insurance. It’s never good to push people beyond their comfort zone unless they have medical professionals standing by.
This show sucks! This probably the 2nd sorriest paranormal show aside from Ghost brothers, you put a berlap sack over your clients head and subject them to terror and possible trauma rather than you be on the front line and help them, then after theyre horrified you jump in to offer your help, you guys aint doin shit and one day someone who is wearing that sack in their head may end up possesed or die from horror before you and this lousy show do it right
WORST show EVER! And on one of my FAVORITE t.v. channels.TRVL. These two seem so UNQUALIFIED as T.V. hosts & personalities, let alone as Guides or Protectors of these vulnerable and fragile subjects. I don’t get the stupid ugly potato sac over the subjects face. We saw how the one lady jumped nearly 3 feet off her bed…then to carelessly have the second girl unknowingly feet from the edge of a dangerous cement pool (Where they just said 3 have died due to falls hitting their heads against pools edge). The female host seemed more frightened than the subjects. Then the 2 hosts just left the subjects on their own with NO HELP. Even when the Audience knows it’s time to GO AND HELP the subjects as cameras died and visual contact was impaired…the two just sat there saying…”Do you think we should go to her?”. Sorry I’ll be turning the channel if Ghost Bait is on.
Sorry but am not a fan. Could barely get through the first episode and knew for sure I didn’t like the second…Do they use that same creepy burlap bag on everyone??? Paranormal Lockdown I truly miss!!!
I know your trying to share you passion for spirit hunting but as a first time weather, I find the “placing of a dumb burlap sack” over a guest is a bit much.
My opinion of your show is not impressed. So I will not be watching you and I wish you best if luck staying on TV.
I had expected to really like this show but there is literally nothing to like about it. I felt that in the first episode, Magill and Storer jump to conclusions with very little evidence. They fail to use the equipment correctly and they put their client in unnecessary peril. In the first episode they place their client next to the pool where she is surrounded on three sides by the pool. They put a burlap sack on her head and tell her not to move. Then they loose power on their monitoring equipment and instead of going in to make sure their client is okay, they stay seated and listen to her scream and yell. Unbelievable. I don’t think I’ll be able to watch them do that to someone else again. Also, they encourage their client to be disrespectful to the entity, without really knowing who or what they are dealing with. This show sucks raw eggs.
Do not like the fact that they do not give clients ways to get rid of entities or equip them to move ghost out… They leave them hanging
Well…so far…I’m not overly impressed. I really don’t understand the reasoning behind the ugly and I am sure…very uncomfortable…burlap bag over the head of these unfortunate people. I have been a part of a paranormal group and have investigated various haunted sites and trust me…it is NOT necessary to wear a burlap hood over your head to make contact and get evidence. Been there and done that with NO burlap bag. It feels like nothing more than a prop to elicit a bit of creepiness. It just seems unnecessary & quite honestly..it just seems silly. It’s been hard for me to take this show seriously. Maybe they need to rethink their strategy? Come up with something that doesn’t just make viewers laugh at the ridiculousness of it? Sorry…just my opinion.
Watched another episode and I have to tell you this will be my last. I just watched these clowns put a man who has had 8 heart attacks and several strokes put in a room by himself to face his fears. If this is the help they offer these poor people maybe they’re in the wrong business. This is probably the worst show I have seen in a long time. The investigation lasts a couple hours and then they’re more than ready to put their ‘skills’ to the test and have these people face their fears. If I ever needed help these would be the last people on earth I would turn to. Can’t wait for Travel Channel to wake up and replace this show.
This program is a bummer. It;s about the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Who does that, put a nasty ass burlap sack over someones head and tell them to face their fears. Are you kidding me. I watched 2 episodes and I will never watch it again. PLEASE, PLEASE TRAVEL CHANNEL LOOSE THIS DUMB ASS SHOW
This has to be one of the worst shows TC has come up with in awhile. After doing some internet searching myself, I realized why this show bugged me so much… Tina’s an actress. I felt like I was watching an actress playing a Paranormal researcher, and I was… Bob barely has any personality. He’s almost robotic in his speech & actions.
Lack of evidence behind any of the researcher comments. It’s like they make it up as they go and even so tell the viewer pretty much nothing that will retain ones interest. In the end the researchers end of being annoying if anything without any credibility. The Burlap sack, really? Just heightens how ridiculous this show really is. Betting on a sure thing and no way will this show last. I’ve now watched two and tried and third and decided to watch while writing. Won’t be watching again.
What an insult to all in paranormal field! I don’t honestly know how you sleep at night, putting your clients through that! My jaw was on the floor the first episode. Very insensitive, and the two “investigators” have no personality. I love Travel Channel, however, ghost bait should have stayed cancelled! Will NOT watch!
After seeing ghosts date on TV a few times I’ve come to the conclusion this is the biggest piece of crap to be on TV it’s ridiculous to make people put on a dirty piece of burlap over their head to contact the spirits better. I’d rather watch 12 hours Ghost Adventures then one hour of ghost bait. I find the show very boring and will not be watching it again
This is the most stupidest show on TV to date. It insults my intelligence. I would like to see Nick Groff back at least he brings something to ghost hunting.
Wouldn’t a blindfold work just as well as the burlap sack? All that’s missing is for these two to be wearing some type of third world military uniform with a couple of rubber hoses – the “victim” sitting with that nasty sack on their head looks like a hostage at Abu Ghraib prison. The hosts seem very inexperienced with about as much personality as a doorknob – they have no business with someone’s mental health in their hands – there is a disaster waiting somewhere for this show, they’re going to get sued when a client has a heart attack. Absolutely the worst, most poorly-thought-out paranormal show I’ve ever seen, and I watch any that I can find. It seems that, in every episode, there are missed opportunities to explore evidence further, but I’m not sure they even know how. I hate being unkind about the hosts, I’m sure they mean well, but probably need a better platform that would bring out their talents and personalities. This is a waste of everyone’s time and Travel Channel’s schedule that could be used to give us another show like Paranormal Lockdown (love Katrina and Rob, the camera guy – but I think Nick really shines as an investigator and sidekick as opposed to the host and narrator.)
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one questioning this show. I am horrified that they are allowed to do this. Someone is going to get hurt. It’s insulting to me, as a viewer. I have learned a lot over the years. This should be put with the fake scary movies. Sci-Fi. The sensitive totally reminds me of the sensitive on Ghosts of Shepardstown. She’s just as useless too. I’m angry to hear they used a fake demonologist. They had better be fake demons. If not I hope they are lead to the CEO of Travel Channel for risking harm to society. I wish Travel Channel would realize that people don’t want demons. We want to see plain old ghost hunting.
Ghost Bait may not be around after this season (and this is pure speculation). I checked its ratings. It debuted with about 450K viewers tuning on April 4th, but it’s dropped to around 350K for the latest episodes. For Travel Channel, it looks like paranormal shows need to average 500K during actual broadcast in to get renewed. Now, Ghost Bait may have a great delayed viewing audience. I think its that +3 or +7 thing you see with Nielsen. You can get its ratings here: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/?s=ghost+bait
They should take this show out & shoot it & put it out of its misery. Lame, sad, desperate people who just want to get their faces on television, hosts & victims. A half hour infomercial is better entertainment.
Travel Channel please own your mistake and cut your losses. This has to be one of the worst paranormal shows on air. I never thought I would say this but, I would rather listen to Chad Lindberg scream on Ghost Stalkers.
Being a paranormal investigator and having psychic abilities, this show needs to be stopped. I honestly hope it is fabricated and they are not putting real clients through this. I have never seen a so called sensitive react in absolute fear over a flickering light but yet think the client should face what is terrifying them. Fear feeds the paranormal and entities. I just watched an episode where they told a man that there were 50 demons in his home and he needed to confront them… What the hell is anyone thinking if this show is real? It makes me furious. I would never put anyone in any of these situations. What a disgrace this show and it’s “investigators” are to the paranormal field….
Don’t know if you guys are seeing this, but I’ve seen orbs on your cameras, but you aren’t mentioning it. The old gentleman, who built his home, and harassing an older lady living there, orbed in, when you put her on the bed and walked out.
This show is so dumb! How does putting a potato sac on your head help any of these situations? Some of these people are in extreme, immediate danger and need serious help, yet you all do this to them? Seriously where’s the logic? How does putting them in a room blind scaring the piss out of them rid the location or them from a haunting? This method probably only makes things worse and is a mockery of people in the paranormal field who takes their work seriously.
For ratings, Ghost Bait had 335,000 – 350,000 watch its last episodes on May 9th, 2019. It held its audience steady from earlier episodes. That puts it about 70th most watched show on cable TV on Thursdays. It’s a significant drop from Kindred Spirits. Kindred Spirits had 573,000 watch its season finale and it ranked in the Top 50 shows that night. I don’t know if Travel Channel will renew Ghost Bait. Those seem like bad numbers for a national cable channel.
This show is crap. Every problem is solved and never any real updates.
what is it the bag on there heads so people can not see how they do it so how do they do it I be asking question why do I need that on my head
Hi Kerry, thanks for commenting. The bag is a kind of sensory deprivation. It helps create fear that people can use to drive away the spirits. I think it’s a bad idea to do that to someone.
Hi, I think what this show does is not right, i have been haunted most of my life, whatever haunts me has followed me since i was about 7 or 8 years old, and when i lived in a flat before i moved into this house the spirits there terrified me so the last thing i needed at that time were paranormal groups who were only after evidence for there own ends or being put in a room with a bit of old sack on my head and being asked to stay there alone, the woman on last nights show was very clearly terrified and i couldnt believe you still did that to her, its cruel and uneccessary, i wont be watching the show again. Anne.