Signs Your House Is Haunted & What To Do About It
In this article, get the most common activity associated with haunted houses. Then, get a few tips on why your house may have a ghost. Finally, see a list of resources for what do about a ghost. Get the scoop after the jump.
Telltale Signs You Live In A Haunted House
Ghostly activities at houses can vary. Sometimes, it follows the list below and builds over time. Other times, it’s just a few things that may happen and then stop. Most hauntings develop over a few months. You may have activity right now but it’s too subtle for you to notice. The list below details the most common activity associated with haunted houses.
Signs Your House Is Haunted
- You feel random cold spots
- You see or hear doors open or close randomly
- You hear ghostly whispers
- You notice phantom footsteps
- Your belongings go missing and return in odd spots
- You see figures appear and disappear
- You start to have nightmares
- You smell cigarette smoke, perfume or cologne (and it’s not your brand)
- Your pets act strange (like hiss or bark at empty space)
- You feel fatigued even on full rest
- Your electronics and lights may turn off-and-on and flicker
Why Your House Is Haunted
In most cases, something happened to someone, and it was bad. As in deadly. To find out the who, what, when and how requires some research. A house’s history is something to know before you buy, rent or move in. A dark history is the biggest indicator of haunting potential. Houses that had murders, suicides or other suffering are notoriously haunted.
Here are some things that can activate a haunting:
Triggers, or events that cause a haunting to start, are one of the most common reasons. That’s usually when you move into a house. Your presence in a ghost’s home causes it to activate. Now, that ghost may have always been active. Without someone to note the activity, no one would realize there’s a ghost.
Haunted objects are another reason. These are possessions, antiques or heirlooms brought home. The ghost is attached to the item. When it gets to your house, the ghost starts to act up. The homeowners know they’ve got a ghost in a few weeks versus a few months.
You are the reason. Yes, some people act as beacons and lure spirits. These are folks who may have psychic abilities or a connection to a spirit. The ghosts just follow you wherever you go.
Types of Hauntings
Hauntings fall under 2 categories in most cases. Things like demons and poltergeists are not ghosts, so let’s save those for other posts.
Residual hauntings are like echoes from the past or a hologram. These ghostly manifestations don’t interact with you. You may see, hear and feel them but they continue their business as if you weren’t there. Residual hauntings are the most common type of ghostly presence.
On the other hand, intelligent hauntings do acknowledge you, and these ghosts may have a message for you. Intelligent hauntings are the kind you see on ghost hunting shows. They may move items, leave EVPs on audio recorders, and whisper in your ear.
What To Do About The Ghosts
It may be creepy but you don’t have to worry about 99% of hauntings. If things get a little too scary, then you can command the ghost to leave or behave. Residual hauntings won’t respond but an intelligent haunting will likely do as told. Check out the articles below for more on what to do about ghosts.
Protection articles for dangerous hauntings:
- Plants that repel evil spirits
- Stones that protect against evil
- Salt and its protective properties
- 8 ways to clear ghosts
- Sage and smudging to clear negative energy
- Haunted objects and remedies
Steven T. Parsons, “Ghostology: The Art of the Ghost Hunter,” White Crow Books, 2015.
Fiona Broome, “Ghosts: What They Are And What They Aren’t,” New Forest Books, 2012.
Rich Newman, “Ghost Hunting For Beginners,” Llewellyn Publications, 2011.
Melissa Martin-Ellis, “The Everything Ghost Hunting Book,” Adams Media, 2009.
Christopher Balzano, “Picture Yourself Ghost Hunting,” Course Technology – Cengage Learning, 2009.
Peter Underwood, “The Ghost Hunter’s Guide,” Underwood Publishing, Kindle Edition, 2018.
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One thought on “Signs Your House Is Haunted & What To Do About It”
I hear them whistling laughing low growling… I don’t like it sometimes I yell even curse I’m exhausted from this and it messed with my cats they don’t hiss but always looking upward and around…I want this to stop