SLS Mini Has Arrived!
Ghostly Activities acquired the SLS Mini, which you’ve seen on Kindred Spirits. It’s a lightweight, structured-light sensor that scans the environment to detect ghostly figures. Adam Berry, a lead investigator on Kindred Spirits, sells the gadget on his site.
SLS Mini Demonstration
The ghost hunting gadget is fairly easy to assemble, and Adam has created a training video for it. You will need to download 2 apps. If you want to use IR with the SLS Mini, download Structure Uplink. To use without IR, download Nuitrack.
SLS Mini Gallery

Each unit comes with a protective carrying case, which I really liked. Inside, you’ll find the SLS Mini securely held with foam. You’ll receive a power cord and a cable to connect the SLS camera to your iPhone. There’s also a universal tool to help tighten any screws on the grip.
Adam’s training video makes it easy for you to assemble the gadget. You’ll also receive printed instructions to refer to. I thought it was a bit wonky to use the apps. One of them, the Nuitrack app, only displays the area for 3 minutes. Then, you have to restart the app to continue viewing the environment for ghostly figures. To record your screen, make sure you have the Screen Recording widget in your phone’s Control Center. To record audio for EVPs, then hold down the Screen Recording button for 3 seconds to turn on the microphone.
If you have any technical questions, you’ll have to contact the manufacturer in the UK. That’s also listed on the printed documentation as well as mentioned in the training video.
At first, I wanted to use an iPad mini with the SLS Mini, but the handgrip didn’t expand enough to hold it. It will hold the Pro Max versions of your iPhone, but I don’t think the handgrip will work for anything larger.
I’ll use the gadget on a ghost hunt in January 2024, and I’m very excited to see what I’ll find. After that ghost hunt, I’ll write an in-depth review of the product.
If you’re interested, you can buy this gadget from Adam Berry’s shop.
Note: Jake bought the SLS Mini with his own money, so there’s no expectation of a positive review for the manufacturer or seller.
Last Updated on January 5, 2025 by Jacob Rice
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