3 Paranormal Protection Tips For Ghost Hunters
Sometimes, ghosts get a little touchy on a ghost hunt, and it can freak you out. Here are some of my favorite protection tips and tricks to stop ghostly shenanigans. Get the scoop after the jump.
Do You Really Need Protection Against Ghosts & Spirits?
In my experience, it really comes down to you, your beliefs, and how vulnerable you are to spirits. People, who tend to be fearful of the unknown, seem to be more susceptible to ghosts, spirits and energy draining. I also find people who have unrealized psychic abilities tend to be at risk. Meanwhile, Doubting Thomases and people with a strong thinking preferences (MBTI personality type) don’t seem to have problems with spiritual attacks or energy draining (I’m guessing their skepticism is a good deterrent).
Personally, I’ve never had ghosts try to do anything dangerous but, then again, I usually don’t give them that chance. Here are my personal tips for ghostly protection.
Tip #1: Use Willpower
Willpower is underrated. A strong belief in yourself can deflect ghosts or spirits that might want to take too much energy. To ramp up my self-generated protection, I imagine myself as a wall or big, sturdy tree with roots going into the earth. That balances and grounds me. Then, I can let the spirit know what it can or cannot do. Works like a charm for me, and it’s my go-to protection tip.
Tip #2: Grab Some Onyx Or Obsidian
There have been a few times where I brought more than just my willpower. In those cases, I wore an onyx or obsidian bracelet. These stones are great for generating a protective sphere to fend off ghostly energy draining. If you have psychic abilities, add a few tiger’s eye stones into the mix for even better protection. I wrote a more detailed article over at GhostsAndMonsters.com. Go check that out for a long list of protection stones and crystals.
Tip #3: Salt Does The Trick
I do love salt to make a protective circle. Back in Chicago, I had a case where something chased me and my BFF around an old, haunted brownstone. I poured an inch-wide line of Kosher salt along a doorway, and that stopped it right at the door. If you bring the salt, always pour it along anything like an opening (doorway, thresholds to the home, windows, and even heating vents).
Other Tips For Ghostly Protection

As a bonus, here are a few more tips and tricks I’ve used to stop ghostly shenanigans.
The White Light Protection Bubble
I’d recommend creating the protection bubble before you arrive at the haunted location. For this trick, imagine a pure white bubble forming around your chest. Then, let if fully surround your body like your inside an egg. Set an intention like nothing bad or ghostly can penetrate the sphere. On your ghost hunt, do the exercise again a few times to make sure it remains strong and impenetrable.
Setting Boundaries With The Dead
I like this one a lot, and it goes along with Tip #1: Willpower. When you walk into the haunted place, stop and stand still. Then, speak aloud your intentions to the ghosts. Tell them exactly how they can interact with you. From time-to-time, repeat your intentions and how the spirits can engage with you. When you leave, thank the spirits for letting talk to them, and let them know they need stay at the haunt.
Why Not Use Prayer?
For self-protection, sure, go ahead. Your confidence and spiritual belief system can really help with protection. The problem happens when you try to use those beliefs on a ghost or spirit. If they don’t share your beliefs, it could backfire.
Here are a couple of stories from cases I’ve worked on to illustrate that point.
Arizona Story
A family in suburban Phoenix contacted me after they experienced poltergeist-like activity in their new home. They had a priest come out to bless the home, and then things went crazy. It turns out the area had been home to the Pima tribe, and they were forced out to nearby reservations. I asked them to contact the Tribe to see if they could help the spirits move on, which they did. The activity settled down after that connection.
Brooklyn Story
A newlywed couple in New York asked me for some help with a shadowy figure. It seemed to be a woman appearing in mirrors. They also contacted a priest to do a blessing on their condo, but after that the activity increased. It wasn’t anything sinister. They could hear whispers, their cat would hide under the bed all day, and things like the house keys would go missing.
I used genealogy sites to find out who the spirit could be in life. As it turned out, a Jewish family had lived in the apartment for decades. So, I had them contact a local rabbi about it. The activity stopped after he came over and spoke to the spirit.
Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you do to protect yourself on a ghost hunt in the comments below.
Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Jacob Rice
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