Spirit Loci: Where Evil Spirits Visit
A spirit locus can be a location or an object. You may find it hard to tell if it’s a haunted site or object. But, the type of haunting entity gives it away.
A spirit locus can be a location or an object. You may find it hard to tell if it’s a haunted site or object. But, the type of haunting entity gives it away.
It’s not every day your ghost hunt becomes the ghost story. But, that’s exactly what happened to Ghostly Activities’ co-founder, Saleen Graham, when she went to get preliminary readings for an upcoming investigation.
Residual hauntings are the most common type of ghostly activity. But, there’s no ghost involved. That’s right—a haunting without a ghost. Get the ghostly scoop after the jump.
Not all ghostly hitchhikers are literal like Resurrection Mary. Sometimes, you bring something home with you … and things start to go bump in the night. Get the spectral scoop after the jump.
There are 4 common types of ghosts found in haunted graveyards — if you find them at all. Then, there’s the special case of the guardian spirit. Let’s take a look at them.
People tend to see cemeteries as final resting places for their beloved relatives and the spirits of the deceased watch over us. In most cases, the deceased have already moved on. The living, however, can pull them back from beyond by their emotional attachements. So, this is how the living can make a cemetery…
The paranormal research community spends a lot of time looking for human-centric spirits, but not animals. When our animal companions pass on, they can leave their essence behind.
A ghost hunter gets a paranormal surprise during a bubble bath. Yes, it’s true – I take bubble baths and I’m not afraid to admit to it. However, I don’t want a ghost to join me. Let me explain.
We’ve all seen it: The fog that hugs a person haunted by a spirit, a loved one or something else. Now, mists can indicate the presence of the supernatural. It’s also likely to be someone’s breath. Here’s how to interpret a ghostly mist in your pictures.
Ghostly Activities looked at 5 famous ghost pictures to debunk them or confirm them as real. Listed below are the pics, their history and our conclusion.